Liberty and Accessibility

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Iraq war- the biggest boondoggle ever

Fraud whistleblowers vilified

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network. Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

[FL4RonPaul] Republican Jewish Coalition Excludes Ron Paul from Prez. Forum (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 18:55:23 EDT
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] Republican Jewish Coalition Excludes Ron Paul from Prez.

I am asking for your help to BLAST the "Republican Jewish Coalition" -- a
group of Neo-Cons who purport to represent Jewish Republicans -- because they
have not extended an invitation to Ron Paul for their Presidential Forum on
Oct. 16 event. Invitations have been extended to six other Presidential


Phone: 202.638.6688

Staff e-mails:,,,,,,,,


New York:

The forum info.: Victory 2008 - Presidential Candidates Forum and Senate
Luncheon - Oct. 16 / 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Please write to them and let them know that Ron Paul is a "TOP SIX"
contender by all fair standards, including:

* Iowa Straw Poll (5th)
* Illinois Straw Poll (3rd)
* Republican Party of Utah State Convention (2nd)
* Cobb County, Georgia Straw Poll (2nd)
* Strafford County, New Hampshire Straw Poll (1st)

foreign policy positions are based on a commitment to the security of this country
and that security requires that we fight radical Islam. Now we are fighting
and winning against the terrorists in Iraq. We support the continued efforts
to stop the threat which radical Islam poses to this country and to our

Regarding not inviting Ron Paul, Shari Hillman, the communications director,
wrote to me: "Because of the limited time available for the event, we could
only include the top 6 candidates currently in the field. We are delighted
that Sam Brownback, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, and Mitt Romney have already
accepted our invitation to speak, and we look forward to welcoming Mike Huckabee
and Fred Thompson as well."


Thank you for your help.

For Liberty,
Republican Liberty Caucus

* Poll statistics I listed in the first message;
* Ron Paul may not agree with the RJC foreign policy position, but perhaps
he agrees with other RJC positions;
* RJC membership should be allowed to hear from all candidates, not just
those "screened"
* Ron Paul supporters will continue to demand inclusion;
* Ron Paul appears to support most of the RJC's domestic agenda;
* Ron Paul has many supporters and friends in the Jewish community, such as
Dr. Milton Friedman, Dr. Walter Block, Dr. Paul Levinson, and RP 2008 Western
Regional Coordinator Jeff Greenspan;

My letter to the RJC:

Dear Republican Jewish Coalition,

As a Jewish voter and a Republican, I find it offensive that you chose to
exclude Congressman Ron Paul from your October Presidential forum. As it stands,
your forum features candidates who lack substance on the issues and you have
excluded the candidate who is an expert on foreign policy -- likely because
of your disagreements with that candidate. Not a very principled stand, my

So perhaps you disagree with the Congressman on the issues. Fair enough.
This is a free society, or so we say, and your membership should be allowed to
hear alternative explanations about foreign policy matters. So I ask you to
reach out to Congressman Ron Paul and invite him to your forum. He will not

If you choose to exclude him, then you have chosen to exclude all of his
Jewish REPUBLICAN followers -- like myself -- from your organization. The
decision is yours. I look forward to hearing your answer.

Aleichem Shalom,

Director of Chapter Development,
The Republican Liberty Caucus
[ my cell # ]

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The "Read the Bills Act" (RTBA)

The "Read the Bills Act" (RTBA) is promoting legislation to force Congress to read every word of every bill it creates before it can vote on it. Check it out here:

Come to to learn more:

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Mitt Romney campaign retaliates against Ron Paul supporters

At the Illinois straw poll.

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network. Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Ron Paul wins by a landslide

Ron blows them away in AL & NH GOP Straw Polls@
This is BIG news.....pass it on:
81% in AL:
73% in NH:
It's happening, everywhere we go.....Keep on fighting,

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network. Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

Friday, August 17, 2007

is global government coming soon?

50% chance there is going to be a 1929 style economic depression as
pretext for regionalization, globalist interests | August
15 , 2007
Steve Watson
Alex Jones was joined on air yesterday by investigative journalist,
economic expert and Harvard Doctor of Political Science Jerome Corsi
for an in depth discussion on the state of the economy and the
engineered decline towards regionalization and a globalized monetary system.
Corsi warned that the crisis in the stock market we are currently
witnessing is simply the tip of the iceberg and part of an overall
meltdown that represents a gutting of the United States by
neo-mercantilist institutions bent on the formation of a new global monopoly.
"We're gonna go through Stagflation, which is basically stagnation and
inflation. We are already in a recession, it just hasn't been publicly
declared yet. I think it will deepen through the rest of 2007 into
2008. Corsi stated.
"It's going to last several years, it's largely because we've lost so
much of the manufacturing to China, even when our currency tanks, there
are no exports we are producing anymore that will gain. The currency is
gone, it is being sold off very quietly, worldwide, by the oil
producing states, by China, the Euro is increasingly becoming our
foreign exchange reserve currency.
The primary indices of inflation have been taken out of the indexes,
food is not in and neither is energy prices. These two are going up
hugely right now and are going to continue to go up."
Corsi warned that this is going to be the formula for producing the
Amero, a continental solution to the tanking of the Dollar.
Listen to the entire eye opening interview here .
Last September Corsi received the first documents pertaining to a FOIA
request asking for full disclosure of activities towards creating a Pan
American Union .
The documents show that a wide range of US administrative law is being
re-written in stealth under the Security and Prosperity Partnership
program to "integrate" and "harmonize" with administrative law in
Mexico and Canada, just as has become commonplace within the EU.
The documents contain references to upwards of 13 working groups within
an entire organized infrastructure that has drawn from officials within
most areas of administrative government including U.S. departments of
State, Homeland Security, Commerce, Treasury, Agriculture,
Transportation, Energy, Health and Human Services, and the office of
the U.S. Trade Representative.
Corsi also reported that at a recent high-level confab in Banff, an
assistant U.S. secretary of state, Thomas A. Shannon , chaired a panel
that featured a presentation by Prof. Robert Pastor, author of a book
promoting the development of a North American union as a regional
government and the adoption of the Amero as a common monetary currency
to replace the dollar and the peso.
Just a conspiracy theory? Not according to leading economists such as
Steve Previs of Jefferies International who stated on CNBC , "I think
one thing for people who are dollar based need to focus on is the
Amero, that's the one thing that nobody is talking about that I think
is going to have a big impact... on everybody's life in Canada, the
U.S. and Mexico..."
A global crash and a totally devalued dollar that can barely rival the
peso are greasing the skids for a single North American currency. This
spells disaster for all Americans who wish to maintain their standard
of living and not find themselves barefoot on the street in a bread queue.
Corsi went on to forecast a five to seven year deep recession:
"We will not recover from this for at least five years. If people think
that housing values are dropped today it's nothing, housing values are
going to go down fifty percent or more from the peak. We're going to
come to a point when condominiums in certain markets are worthless.
It's not that there won't be buyers out there, there just won't be
credit for them. You're going to have a credit crunch now, where even
if you're qualified you're going to have to have 20% down and even then
you might have a hard time getting a loan at a reasonable rate for a house."
Corsi urged anyone in the position to do so to quickly pay off any
mortgages and get out of debt. Secondly he suggests investment in gold,
rather than stocks and bonds which are based on fiat money and are
going to decline tremendously in value:
"The derivative market could be a 450 trillion worldwide market that is
going to collapse. Just in the hedge funds alone in the United States,
and in the mortgage market there is between 3 and 5 trillion dollars of
debt that is going to collapse. That means three to five trillion
dollars of losses. Somebody is going to have to absorb that and the
reason that the federal reserve is throwing out so much money into bank
reserves is because we would've already had bank failures."
Dr Corsi also warned against the school of thought that says if you get
a bigger mortgage, as long as you have savings to pay for it, you can
accelerate the pay off of it with inflation. He stressed that unless
you have a long term fixed rate mortgage and you fully understand the
terms of your contract you could at any point be subject to a change in
terms and the loan could be called in:
"There is going to be a grab on this property by people who have cash,
and that's not going to be the middle class. People will lose their
homes if they have large mortgages that they cannot comfortably sustain
or pay off.
There's going to be a grab where the institutions and the people
already wealthy will only gain, it's not going to be an opportunity for
the average person to gain."
Corsi also asserted that the ongoing meltdown is a global one and it is
going to be very severe, forcing regionalization and providing the
impetus to saying harmonization of national economies is the only way
we can handle this coming huge recession.
Dr Corsi firmly believes that the crisis is an engineered one on behalf
of a global elite who have long pushed for a regionalization, a single
currency and a market they can monopolize more effectively:
"It is engineered because again, the move toward globalism, the pumping
of this liquidity to stimulate the markets was totally artificial. The
federal reserve is going to get caught right now in a total dilemma, if
it raises rates to protect the dollar, its going to further tank the
economy and cause the housing markets to be in even more of a crisis.
We have economic stagnation, the loss of real income, the loss of real
wealth and inflation at the same time. With the dropping of the dollar
the crisis is going to be manipulated to the point where people will
take the Amero or any regional solution if it is proposed as the way
you get out of your problem."
He further warned that the 400 billion injected into the stock markets
last week is merely a temporary measure to slow down and control an
overall meltdown and was only done to prevent a sudden massive crash.
mirroring the analysis of the Financial Times of London and former
World Bank chief economist Joseph Stiglitz Corsi stated that he sees no
way to stop the meltdown, the only doubt left is whether it is going to
be a fast or slow process.
He also believes there is an even money chance that there could be a
huge 1929 style economic depression:
"This is the fastest run I've seen ever to get to the goal line of
creating a Untied States regional economy, a North American Union. The
elite are running like they'll never have this chance again. It is the
tenth hour, the eleventh hour where this battle will be fought. They
believe that they can win now and they are going for broke to create a
North American Union and tank the dollar."
The decline of the economy in the US is being caused by the very
predatory globalist policies that are still presented to us as the
solution for economic turmoil. Globalist vampires such as the IMF and
the World bank, but two of the elite central banks and private
interests, have drained the third world dry, and are now focusing their
attention on enslaving the developed world.
The single currency and a 'new economic order' is a major step on the
road to global governance. Europe already has its own strong single
currency, while the dollar's days seem to be numbered. When money is
being printed and distributed by private corporations is it any
surprise to see a push for a merger with other countries' currencies?
Talk has long been of a global currency by 2018 if plans go
accordingly. A 1988 famous cover of The Economist emphasized this,
depicting a phoenix standing atop burning paper money symbolizing its
rise out of their destruction, with the words "Get ready for a world
currency" next to it.
The article carried in The Economist, titled "Get Ready for the
Phoenix," stated that, "THIRTY years from now, Americans, Japanese,
Europeans, and people in many other rich countries, and some relatively
poor ones will probably be paying for their shopping with the same currency."
The article went on to state that sovereignty will be lost with the
advent of the new currency, but that trends towards globalization are
already doing away with it anyway.
The phoenix zone would impose tight constraints on national
governments. There would be no such thing, for instance, as a national
monetary policy. The world phoenix supply would be fixed by a new
central bank, descended perhaps from the IMF. The world inflation rate
- and hence, within narrow margins, each national inflation rate- would
be in its charge. Each country could use taxes and public spending to
offset temporary falls in demand, but it would have to borrow rather
than print money to finance its budget deficit. With no recourse to the
inflation tax, governments and their creditors would be forced to judge
their borrowing and lending plans more carefully than they do today.
This means a big loss of economic sovereignty, but the trends that make
the phoenix so appealing are taking that sovereignty away in any case.
Even in a world of more-or-less floating exchange rates, individual
governments have seen their policy independence checked by an
unfriendly outside world.
"Pencil in the phoenix for around 2018, and welcome it when it comes,"
the article concludes.
In 2004 Robert Mundell, the Nobel-prize winning economist often
credited with paving the way to the European single currency, called
for a global currency .
In an interview with French paper Libération, Mundell said: "With the
emergence of the euro and its instability against the dollar, Europe,
the United States and the Asian powers should come together and create
a new international monetary system."
In 2006 the scandal-ridden and highly secretive Bank For International
Settlements, considered to be the world's top central banking policy,
released a policy paper that called for the end of national currencies
in favor of a global model of currency formats.
The BIS is a branch of the of the Bretton-Woods International Financial
architecture and closely allied with the Bilderberg Group. It is
controlled by an inner elite that represents all the world's major
central banking institutions. John Maynard Keynes, perhaps the most
influential economist of all time, wanted it closed down as it was used
to launder money for the Nazis in World War II.
It appears we are now seeing the slow realization of a global economic
system with a single currency.
The end game of such regionalizing harmonization is of course a global
It has long been recognized that an instant world government would be
roundly rejected by the masses and that a stepping stone agenda, a
stealth implementation of a new global order is the key to its success.
Writing in the April 1974 issue of Foreign Affairs, the flagship
publication of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Richard N.
Gardner , who has held a number of State Department posts, argued
against what he called "instant world government." Instead, he wrote,
"the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up
rather than from the top down. It will look like a great 'booming,
buzzing confusion,' to use William James' famous description of
reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece
by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault."
In a similar sentiment, former National Security Adviser and co-founder
of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski pointed to
"regionalization" as the key for "globalization" in his address to
Gorbechev's State of the World Forum in October 1995: "The precondition
for eventual globalization — genuine globalization — is progressive
regionalization, because thereby we move toward larger, more stable,
more cooperative units."
Last May the first steps towards the biggest "cooperative unit" there
has ever been were cemented with the groundwork being set for a EU-US
single market . However, as the CFR would say, amidst the "booming,
buzzing confusion" few have noticed.
Jerome Corsi concluded by re-iterating that the economic crisis has
been manufactured in order to provide the pre-scripted neo-mercantilist
"We'd never get rid of the sovereignty of the United States or the
dollar unless there was a crisis. The Council on Foreign Relations, two
issues ago Ben Steel one of their top economists wrote an article
openly declaring that national monetary systems were dead and that we
need to go to regional moneys and that we need to go to global moneys.
We are going to be told very quickly that the only way the federal
government can protect us is if we allow the federal government to
become a North American government."

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network. Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Ron Paul Places Third in Illinois Straw Poll

This is tremendous! Leaves Rudy in the dust, and definitely gaining
on Mitty.
Final Results:
1. Mitt Romney – 40.35%
2. Fred Thompson – 19.96%
3. Ron Paul – 18.87%
4. Rudy Giuliani – 11.61%
5. John McCain – 4.12%
6. Mike Huckabee – 3.04%
7. Sam Brownback – 1.08%
8. Duncan Hunter - .65%
9. Tom Tancrado - .33%
>From the official Illinois Republican Party website:

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network. Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

[FL4RonPaul] FW: Wired News report gives proof of Wikipedia as tool of CIA, intelligence agencies (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 09:09:36 -0400
From: Henry Morgan <>
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] FW: Wired News report gives proof of Wikipedia as tool of
CIA, intelligence agencies

"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know
the whole truth; to know the worst, and provide for it." ~ ~ ~ Patrick
Is real money coming back?
Find out at: HYPERLINK ""www.CurrencyAlert.US
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From: [] On Behalf Of Dr L
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 8:47 AM
To: Henry Morgan
Subject: Wired News report gives proof of Wikipedia as tool of CIA,
intelligence agencies

Credibility Of Wikipedia Takes a Dive After Wired Exposé
Online encyclopedia outed as bias tool of intelligence agencies,
corporations by new Wikipedia Scanner database

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, August 14, 2007


The credibility of the online encyclopedia Wikipedia has taken another dive
after a newly developed software program exposed how the CIA, corporations
like Diebold and others routinely edit entries to bury criticism and
manipulate the truth.. . . .

Now a CalTech graduate student has developed a software tool that threatens
to slam the final nail in the coffin of any credibility Wikipedia had left.

"Wikipedia Scanner -- the brainchild of CalTech computation and
neural-systems graduate student Virgil Griffith -- offers users a searchable
database that ties millions of anonymous Wikipedia edits to organizations
where those edits apparently originated, by cross-referencing the edits with
data on who owns the associated block of internet IP addresses," reports
Wired News.

"On November 17th, 2005, an anonymous Wikipedia user deleted 15
paragraphs from an article on e-voting machine-vendor Diebold, excising an
entire section critical of the company's machines. While anonymous, such
changes typically leave behind digital fingerprints offering hints about the
contributor, such as the location of the computer used to make the edits."

"In this case, the changes came from an IP address reserved for the
corporate offices of Diebold itself. And it is far from an isolated case. A
new data-mining service launched Monday traces millions of Wikipedia entries
to their corporate sources, and for the first time puts comprehensive data
behind longstanding suspicions of manipulation, which until now have
surfaced only piecemeal in investigations of specific allegations."

Griffith has compiled a list of different corporations and branches of
government that have abused the so-called impartiality of Wikipedia to
essentially edit the truth out of existence, replacing it with a PR friendly
facade favorable not to the facts or any sense of neutrality, but only to
the interests of the parties concerned.

The Wikipedia Scanner (HYPERLINK ""
\n also allows users to type in an IP range
and find out which organizations are editing what pages on Wikipedia.

"The result: A database of 5.3 million edits, performed by 2.6 million
organizations or individuals ranging from the CIA to Microsoft to
Congressional offices, now linked to the edits they or someone at their
organization's net address has made. Some of this appears to be
transparently self-interested, either adding positive, press release-like
material to entries, or deleting whole swaths of critical material,"
concludes the Wired report.


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Reviving American Health Care

Reviving American Health Care

I'm concerned that we're creating a system of corporate fascism in the American health care industry. You can learn what I mean by this, and what we can do about it here.

Here is my personal letter to my representatives.

Hello. I oppose any more involvement from the federal government in health care. Rather than the federal government being involved in health care, this should be left to the states. The 10th amendment of the US constitution says "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved for the States respectively, or to the people." The US constitution doesn't give the federal government the power to control health care. The more the federal government is involved in health care, the less competition there will be in the quality of health care people get. Just because the federal government is already partly involved in health care doesn't make it right.

end of letter

I would like to challenge supporters of universal health care to move to a country that has socialized health care such as Canada. I've heard that people in those countries pull teeth out with plyers instead of going to the dentist.

Come to to learn more:

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

[FL4RonPaul] Diebold Computer Voting Machines (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 20:39:09 -0400
From: Bryan Morton <>
To: FL4RonPaul yahoogroup <>
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] Diebold Computer Voting Machines

For those who are interested, here are some video clips concerning the Diebold computer voting machines. The next hurtle is divorcing Diebold et al from the government, (the election industrial complex), then getting the government to throw 18 billion dollars worth of voting machines in the nearest landfill. Maybe they can get some return by selling them to private companies ... Coke Vs. Pepsi?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 19:57:13 -0400
From: Henry Morgan <>

"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know
the whole truth; to know the worst, and provide for it." ~ ~ ~ Patrick
Is real money coming back?
Find out at: HYPERLINK ""www.CurrencyAlert.US
Overwhelmed with credit card debt? Tired of working just to pay credit card
Looking to get out from under? Post me at HYPERLINK


From: Oceania Investigations []
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 7:40 PM

Here's a short dialogue from pp 50-51 of my 2005 book, Maybe the People Have
the Answers. Arrive at your own conclusion regarding what happened on
Saturday in Ames, Iowa. --------

It concerns the shocking loss by my friend Richard Mack in an Arizona
Sheriff's race in 1996. Mack had been an "enemy" of the DC empire since
filing his opposition to the Brady Bill [which he took all the way to the
Supreme Court and won]. He later spoke with the late James Collier, author
of VoteScam, the first expose' of the computer fraud techniques in America.
Collier had told him on the phone that he had been "had."

"How do you mean?" queried the befuddled sheriff.
"Let me ask you three questions [said Collier]. First, was there a computer
vote count?"
"Strike one!" said Collier. "Second, were the total numbers pretty much the
same in all the precincts?"
"All except two," said Mack.
"Strike two! And was there a power outage?"
Yep, matter of fact there was, at about ten o'clock on election night,
during the vote count."
"Strike three," replied Collier. "You were definitely had."

[Not much difference between a power outage and a contrived breakdown, I
reckon. Both provide the necessary time to reload the results.]

Apparently, the only reason for this otherwise insignificant deception of
who is the front-runner is that the propaganda machine will now not have to
mention Ron Paul's name for the next several months until the next hoopla in
the fall. After all, he finished sixth, right?!! [See Monday's papers for
confirmation.] But if they'd had to report the real figures, it would have
been Romney and Rudy that would have been in the closet, with RP in the
headlines for the next several months. Unacceptable!

However, the deceivers may have shot themselves in the foot again, as they
have exposed to the naive -- for very little reward -- their techniques of
deception, which gives the Paul camp ample time to arm for the real
onslaught in 2008. I predict a bigger groundswell for Ron Paul in 2008 than
the 20 million votes that George Wallace was about to get in 1972. I also
fear that a similar fate could befall this first real voice of the people in
35 years. Surely we will see a lesser attack later this year [before the New
Hampshire Primary] of some kind of phony scandal. Only time will tell of
what variety that will be.

Pat Shannan

Fuzzy Math: The Iowa Straw Poll

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Fuzzy Math: The Iowa Straw Poll

I met with the Vote in the Sunshine crew on the morning of the Straw Poll in
Ames. They were told by the Iowa GOP that there would be a total of 60
shiny new Diebold Accuvote Optical Scan machines deployed in 3 separate
locations. As the Des Moines Register stated on August 10:

"Employees of the Story County elections office will oversee the casting of
ballots at 60 machines at three buildings on the Iowa State University

I helped with vote verification in the morning and walked around the venue
during the afternoon. There was no shortage of voters queuing up to vote
from my observations, with long lines snaking around the three voting
locations, especially in the early voting.

As to the voting machine 'malfunctions', the Des Moines Register said this:
"Voting machine difficulties delayed the announcement of the vote totals.
About 1,500 ballots needed to be recounted, said Mary Tiffany, a spokeswoman
for Republican Party of Iowa.

Two machines caused the problem, said State Auditor David Vaudt. "What
likely happened is someone submitted their ballot too quickly after the
other," he said. The ballots from those machines were hand counted, then
re-fed into the system to recalculate the vote. A campaign poll-watcher said
in one instance, a black box contained 500 paper ballots but the machine's
memory said it had scanned in 498."

Because of the heat most folks were at least trying to get in the shortest
lines they could find, and it did not appear that any of the 3 locations
were underutilized.

So we know from the state Auditor that one 'problem' machine contained 500
votes. Assuming most machines contained a similar pattern of use, then they
should also contain about the same number of votes. 60 (machines) x 500 =
30,000 votes. That is more than TWICE as many as the official count. Based
on a total vote count of 14,301, if all machines were used about equally,
then the average number of votes per machine SHOULD have been 238 {14,301
(total votes) / 60 (machines) = 238 votes per machine}. What are the odds
that one of the machines that 'malfunctioned' and actually gave up an
audited vote tally would contain TWICE as many votes as the 'average'
machine? But it gets worse…

State Auditor David Vaudt (who unofficially certified the vote count) said
that there were only 2 machines out of the 60 that were inconsistent (paper
printout vs. electronic tabulation) and needed to be recounted. Mary
Tiffany of the Iowa GOP said that a total of approximately 1500 votes were
re-fed into the Diebold machines. Since we know that there were only two
machines that were a problem and one of them contained 500 votes, then the
second machine must have contained about 1000 ballots, which is more than
FOUR TIMES what the 'average' machine should contain based on a total vote
of 14,301. It seems more likely that there were actually 3 problem
machines, and the true average per machine was about 500 votes, which would
have resulted in a total vote of about 30,000 which is twice the official
total vote count.

Also note that 26,000 tickets were said to have been sold, so we are asked
to believe that only about half those people voted.

The day before the election the Iowa GOP stated on their web site that they
expected to raise $1.2 million in ticket sales, which is 34,000+ tickets.
This number jives much more closely with the fact that the single audited
machine (that we know of) contained 500 ballots. The vast majority of
tickets are pre-sold. Yet, on the day of the event they said they had only
sold about 26,000 tickets. How did they manage to grossly overestimate the
tickets to be sold (8000+ off) within 24 hours of the event?

The evening before the Straw Poll, a local TV news show carried a story that
the expected attendance for the next day had just been increased from a
maximum of 40,000 up to 45,000 - 50,000. Yet, according to the Iowa GOP,
the very next day only 30,000 to 33,000 showed up.

It is interesting to note that the Iowa GOP had an online straw poll on
their very own website (HYPERLINK ""
\ Here are the results as captured mid-day on August 9th:

The Diebold optical scan machines can be rigged in so many different ways,
it makes your head spin. This straw poll was owned end-to-end by the Iowa
GOP, but for a detailed 'how-to' on rigging your own straw poll using
AccuVote Optical Scan voting terminals, read this document: HYPERLINK

Under scrutiny, the Iowa Straw Poll seems to suffer from fuzzy math.
Anybody who assumes the final vote count was accurate suffers from fuzzy

A Reader

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[FL4RonPaul] Very inspiringl video. (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 11:55:36 -0400
From: Bryan Morton <>
To: Meet Up Martin <>,
FL4RonPaul yahoogroup <>,
Conner <>, Chuckles <>,
"Christian_libertarians@Yahoo" <>,
Bob Graham <>
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] Very inspiringl video.

Very inspiring video.

Monday, August 13, 2007

[FL4RonPaul] Impact Polling Reports Paul leading Romney 45% to 20% (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:40:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: The General <>
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] Impact Polling Reports Paul leading Romney 45% to 20%

After Surveying 3000 Republican Americans
these are the results.(We telephone polled. This is 3000 Americans, not Iowa Straw Poll related.)
Ron Paul - 45%
Mitt Romney - 20%
John Mccain - 8%
Giuliani - 7%
None of the above - 20%

War battered dogs are we
Fighters in every clime;
Fillers of trench and of grave,
Mockers bemocked by time,
War dogs hungry and grey,
Gnawing a naked bone,
Fighters in every clime-
Every cause but our own
-Emily Lawless "With the Wild Geese"

Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.

[FL4RonPaul] The Clean Up Is A GO ! Do everything you can... (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 07:53:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: The General <>
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] The Clean Up Is A GO ! Do everything you can...

From: "Kelly Halldorson is for RON PAUL 2008" <> To: Subject:
Fw: Ron Paul Supporters: The Clean up is a GO! Do everything you can...
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 07:52:39 -0400 YAHOO.Shortcuts.hasSensitiveText = false; YAHOO.Shortcuts.doUlt = false; YAHOO.Shortcuts.location = "us"; YAHOO.Shortcuts.lang = "us"; YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_id = 0; YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_type = ""; YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_title = ""; YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_publish_date = ""; YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_author = ""; YAHOO.Shortcuts.annotationSet = { "lw_1187016706_0": { "text": "Kelly Halldorson is for RON PAUL 2008", "extended": 0, "startchar": 805, "endchar": 842, "start": 805, "end": 842, "extendedFrom": "", "weight": 1, "type": ["shortcuts:/us/instance/identifier/hyperlink/http"], "category": ["IDENTIFIER"] ,"context": " ----- Original Message ----- From: Kelly Halldorson is for RON PAUL 2008 Subject: Ron Paul Supporters: The Clean up is" , "metaData": { "linkHref": "/ym/Compose?", "linkProtocol": "http", "linkRel": "nofollow", "linkTarget": "_blank", "linkTitle":
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Can you forward this to all you lists...this is the update from the last one I sent you.


----- Original Message ----- From: Kelly Halldorson is for RON PAUL 2008
Subject: Ron Paul Supporters: The Clean up is a GO! Do everything you can...

Supporters! Let's clean up America for Ron Paul,

While others are relaxing at barbeques with family and friends this Labor Day weekend let's clean up America for Ron Paul! You can work one day or all three it's entirely up to you. Pick up one bag or twenty, it's all good.

During my 38 mile walk from my home to my state (NH) capital I saw a lot of trash on the side of the road. It occurred to me that, like the walk, a clean-up effort might be a positive way to get some attention to the campaign.

My vision is that Ron Paul supporters all over the country organize their own efforts. You can clean up the sides of roads, parks or even beaches. My suggestion would be to at least go where there are lots of people. Bring some signs to stick in the ground (while you are cleaning), wear your favorite Ron Paul t-shirt and don't forget to bring some literature to hand out to people that are curious about Ron Paul.

Please video your efforts if at all possible and take lots of photos. I'm going to put together a press release and contact the national (and my local) media before and after the event. I want to get a tally of all the trash collected over the weekend so PLEASE send me your results.

You don't have to be in a meet-up group to participate. This is something you can just do as family if you like. Take your kids to a park and clean up the park with them or the beach. Any effort is appreciated and will add to our total trash count. :)

Everyone that plans on participating please email me your name, email, and where (and which day and time) you plan on cleaning and I'll work on getting some press for your efforts. This is your event so handle your state/city/beach clean-up however you'd like. If you would just send me info on what you're doing so I can put together an impressive list for the national media that would be fantastic. I'd also love to get a head count and/or list of names. So, contact me with that info too...first names are fine if you prefer. I'd just like to be able to tell the press how many supporters participated and how many bags of trash we collected.

Let's get this on EVERY national and local television station out there! Let's make this clean-up HUGE and get the Paul campaign lots of press all while we are doing some good for our communities!

If you are participating please send me your info and/or updates to

WOO HOO!! Go Ron Paul,
Kelly Halldorson

War battered dogs are we
Fighters in every clime;
Fillers of trench and of grave,
Mockers bemocked by time,
War dogs hungry and grey,
Gnawing a naked bone,
Fighters in every clime-
Every cause but our own
-Emily Lawless "With the Wild Geese"

Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel and lay it on us.

Strawpoll results for Ron Paul

Iowa Strawpoll results for Ron Paul
On Saturday, Iowa had a straw poll. Congressmen Ron Paul got 9% of the
vote. It may seem like Ron Paul didn't do well. However, under the
circumstances he didn't do that bad. He did better than Fred Thompson
which was considered one of the "top teer" candidates. There was
nothing scientific about that poll. Mitt Romney baught over 1000
tickets to give away to voters. Basically, because of his donations
from special interests, he was able to purchase his win.

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network. Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

Monday, August 06, 2007

[FL4RonPaul] Fwd: Central FL Ron Paul 2008 Meetup Group Mailing List Daily Digest (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2007 19:48:10 EDT
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] Fwd: Central FL Ron Paul 2008 Meetup Group Mailing List
Daily Digest

In a message dated 8/5/2007 5:15:55 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hi Kurt,

The "Call Iowa" software at: is
easy to use. Just register, log-in, click "make calls" - and start

I've made 17 calls so far - 10 have gone through to an answering machine
or a live person.

Give it a try everyone! Iowa Straw Poll coming soon - Aug. 11.

In Liberty,

Glenn Austin

To Your Success!
R. B. Lee

I am a Veteran, It is our duty to support Ron Paul
_www.ronpaul2008.com_ (

_www.LeesPatch.com_ (

************************************** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

[FL4RonPaul] poll (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2007 19:43:40 EDT
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] poll


To Your Success!
R. B. Lee

I am a Veteran, It is our duty to support Ron Paul
_www.ronpaul2008.com_ (

_www.LeesPatch.com_ (

************************************** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

[FL4RonPaul] FW: [We The People] Protecting Ron Paul, the Rest of the "2nd Tier" and America (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2007 09:16:09 -0400
From: Henry Morgan <>
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] FW: [We The People] Protecting Ron Paul,
the Rest of the "2nd Tier" and America

"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know
the whole truth; to know the worst, and provide for it." ~ ~ ~ Patrick
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From: Bob Schulz (DO NOT REPLY - Unmonitored Mailbox)
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 11:57 PM
To: Henry Morgan
Subject: [We The People] Protecting Ron Paul, the Rest of the "2nd Tier" and


August 5, 2007

Protecting Ron Paul, the Rest
of the "2nd Tier" and America

Citizen Vigilance Essential

As things stand today, about 60 citizen camera crews and about 200 citizen
volunteers are needed to conduct a "citizens' exit poll" to double check the
easily rigged Diebold electronic voting machines which the Iowa GOP intends
to use to "count" the vote at the Ames, Iowa Straw Poll on August 11, 2007 -
just a week from now.

If you can possibly attend and/or donate to help with this "citizens' exit
poll" - see the action items at the end of this update - but first:

Picture this:

Next Saturday, from 10 am to 6 pm, more than 25,000 residents of the State
of Iowa will arrive on the campus of Iowa State University in Ames. They
will be 18 years of age or older. They will be there to choose one man from
a list of eleven men as their choice to be the next President of the United
States of America.

At one of 60 vote stations they will receive a paper ballot. They will
pencil in an oval next to the candidate of their choice. They will enter the
paper ballot into a machine that will scan the entire ballot and record the
vote. After voting, each voter will place a thumb into a container of purple

After scanning each ballot the machine will deposit the ballot into a "black
box" within the Diebold machine. At 6 pm each machine and black box are
transported to a centralized "tabulation" room. The door to the room will be
closed to the public.

The ballots are not removed from their black boxes or counted. Instead, a
button on the machine is pressed. In response, the machine ejects a slip of
paper showing the number of votes recorded by that machine for each
candidate. The results are tabulated. Someone then leaves the room and
announces the results of the vote to the assembled media representatives.
Each person casting a vote will have paid $35 to do so. The ten men on the
list are all Republicans. The Iowa Republican Party is sponsoring the event,
which is known as the Ames Straw Poll, also the Iowa Straw Poll.

NOTE: During every <> August in which
the Republican
<> presidential
nomination is undecided Ames plays host to the
<> Ames Straw Poll, which gauges
support for the various Republican candidates. The straw poll dates back to
1979, and is frequently seen as a first test of organizational strength in
Iowa by the national media and party insiders; as such, it can be very
beneficial for a candidate to win the straw poll and thus enhance his aura
of inevitability or show off a superior field operation. Ames is a city
located in the central part of <> Iowa,
about 30 miles north of <,_Iowa> Des
Moines. As of the <>
2000 Census, the city population was 50,731. For more information go to <> and enter "Ames Straw Poll."

Now picture this:

On the list of eleven candidates will be the so-call party insurgents or
second tier candidates, including Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter, Sam
Brownback, and Mike Huchabee.

Vote fraud is a problem, even in America, where elections have been stolen
from non-party favorites by political parties. One such event occurred in
Iowa in 1995. See "A
<> House
Without Doors, Vote Fraud in America," by James J. Condit, Jr., published in
the November 1996 edition of Chronicles Magazine.

"Political parties," according to Thomas Jefferson, "are by their nature,

The Iowa Republican Party will use 60 Diebold computers to record and count
the votes.

NOTE: A study by computer scientists at the University of California paid
for by the Secretary of State of California (publicized last week, July 28,
2007, in the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times) showed that the
Diebold computers were easily hacked, easily rigged, -- and totally
unreliable for conducting elections.

The UC study confirmed the results of several other authoritative studies
from MIT, Cal Tech, Princeton University, and numerous other sources. A
search of "Diebold Princeton University" on YOUTUBE will yield a 9 minute
demonstration. Adding "FOX News" to the search will yield another 3 minute
demonstration by the Princeton scientists.

Los Angeles Times 7/28/07
"Scientists prove Diebold computers easily rigged and totally unreliable in

The New York Times 7/28/07
"Computer scientists from California universities have hacked into three
electronic voting systems used in California and elsewhere in the nation and
found several ways in which vote totals could potentially be altered,
according to reports released yesterday by the state."

United Press International 7/28/07
". . . computer experts . . . found several ways to change the vote totals
by breaking the codes to Diebold Election Systems . . . the New York Times
reported Saturday."

HBO Documentary 10/06
"Hacking Democracy" shows actual hacking of Diebold computers in Leon
County, Florida"

The Diebold computers being used to "count" the votes at the Iowa Straw Poll
could be used to steal the election from Ron Paul or one of the other party
insurgents by, say, "stuffing the ballot box" with "votes" for a party
favorite(s) by thousands of phantom voters, or by transposing some set
percentage of votes from one or more of the insurgents to one or more of the
party favorites, thereby showing the insurgent(s) such as Ron Paul with far
fewer votes than he actually received.

Now picture this:

On Tuesday, August 7, 2007, a letter is delivered to the Iowa Republican
Party and the State and County Boards of Elections. The letter is signed by
various good-government and election reform organizations and holders of $35
tickets that entitle them to vote in the Ames Straw Poll. The letter says
that unless the following 10-point program is agreed to, a court order will
be sought to enjoin and prohibit the Ames Straw Poll until the reforms are
agreed to:

1. From the time the voter votes to the time the results of the vote are
publicly announced, all paper ballots are never out of the view of the

2. Instead of being deposited into a black box, each completed paper
ballot is deposited into a numbered, clear-plastic, container that is in
clear public view all day. The number on the container matches a number on
the machine. The numbers are 4 inches high, black on white.

3. Each candidate on the ballot has the Right to have an observer
present for an inspection by the County of each container. The single
inspection is scheduled to take place 9:55 am at each of the 60 vote

4. Surrounding each vote station at a distance of 30 feet from the
numbered clear plastic container is a rope beyond which any person can
quietly stand to quietly observe the clear-plastic containers and the number
of voters.

5. As the voting period ends, each ballot box is set on one of two 72"
cafeteria-style tables that have been set up at each of the 60 voting
stations. There, the ballots are separated and hand counted.

6. Besides two members of the staff of the County or State Board of
Elections, each candidate has a Right to have a representative participate
in the counting process. All county and candidate Counters must agree on the
candidate allocation of each vote. Once all Counters are in agreement on the
allocation of all votes, the result of the count is read aloud for public

7. The paper ballots are then returned to the numbered, clear-plastic
containers, which are then transported to a central location, -- never out
of view of the county and candidate observers or the general public.

8. At the central location, the containers are placed inside an area
that has been roped off. Within the roped off area, chairs have been set up
for the county and candidate counters.

9. As each numbered container arrives at the central location, the
results of the hand-counted vote is read aloud by one of the County
observers and entered into a computer for projection onto a screen in the
room and for posting on the County and State websites.

10. After the results of the vote from each of the 60 vote stations is
read aloud, the cumulative totals from the hand-counts are agreed to by the
county and candidate Counters, read aloud and entered into the computer for
projection onto the screen in the room and for posting on the County and
State websites. This process is continued until the results of the vote at
all 60 vote stations have been read aloud and added to the prior total.

NOTE: The Ames Straw Poll is the very first contest that has any meaning in
the run up to the Presidential election. The People need to do everything
possible to insist that elections are fair and votes are counted properly.
Besides the possibility of a court order on the side of a fair vote count
there is a serious effort underway by Citizens For a Fair Vote Count and the
"Vote In Sunshine Project" to conduct a "Citizens' Exit Poll" that would
include a signed, notarized affidavit by the voter stating who he/she voted
for. For more information about the Citizens' Exit Poll go to <> .

The Iowa Republican Party can be expected to resist this "open and honest
vote count" process at the Straw Poll. Therefore, Citizens For a Fair Vote
Count urgently needs 200 volunteers to help conduct the double-check on the
easily rigged Diebold machines at Ames this Saturday (August 11, 2007), and
they need some funds for the printing of "exit poll" pamphlets, signs and
paper ballots and the tents. There will also be filing fees and other costs
associated with any legal action. Please volunteer and/or contribute to help
us accomplish this vital step for honest elections everywhere. A
breakthrough is needed now.

NOTE: Whatever gets painted on the canvas of history depends on the people
we see when we look into the mirror.
Here is what you can do:

1. If you live in Iowa, make sure you are in Ames next Saturday to
VOTE. Talk to your friends and relatives; pool your money and car pool. How
or whether you are registered to vote makes no difference. All you need is
proof that you are 18 or over and that you live in Iowa.

2. Whether you live in Iowa or another state, be in Ames next Saturday
as a volunteer. To VOLUNTEER, click
<> here.

3. Whether you live in Iowa or another state, and whether or not you
are in Ames next Saturday as a volunteer, please
DONATE money to cover expenses.

To donate to the Citizens for a Fair Vote Count "Vote in Sunshine" effort at
the Ames, Iowa Straw poll: go to <> ,
hit the tab that says: "Send Money", then send to:
You will have the option to use VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX, etc.

OR by sending a check/money order to:
Network America, PO Box 11555, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

To donate to the WTP Foundation, please click here: Donation
<> .

4. Whether or not you live in Iowa and you would like to SHARE A RIDE
with someone else to Ames, click
<> here.
(You will be directed to the volunteer page)

5. If you do not live in Iowa, but you know people who do, let them
know how important it is for them to vote in the Ames Straw Poll. FORWARD

Update Related Links

<> here.

To donate to the Citizens for a Fair Vote Count "Vote in Sunshine" effort at
the Ames, Iowa Straw poll: go to <> ,
hit the tab that says: "Send Money", then send to: You will have the option to use VISA, MASTERCARD,
AMEX, etc.OR by sending a check/money order to: Network America, PO Box
11555, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

To make a tax-deductible donation to the WTP Foundation, please click here:
Donation <> .

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We The People Foundation For Constitutional Education
2458 Ridge Road, Queensbury, New York 12804


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[FL4RonPaul] Ron Paul Leading The Charge Again-Vote Here! (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 20:37:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: The General <>
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] Ron Paul Leading The Charge Again-Vote Here!


ABC Poll

Paul's active service member donations get noticed
By Klaus Marre
August 03, 2007

War battered dogs are we
Fighters in every clime;
Fillers of trench and of grave,
Mockers bemocked by time,
War dogs hungry and grey,
Gnawing a naked bone,
Fighters in every clime-
Every cause but our own
-Emily Lawless "With the Wild Geese"

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Saturday, August 04, 2007

[FL4RonPaul] Ron Paul Now Has 20K Volunteers! (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2007 14:57:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: The General <>
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] Ron Paul Now Has 20K Volunteers!

Ron Paul Now Has 20K Volunteers
National Expositor
In a radio interview today on the Dale Williams Show, Jeff Greenspan, Western Regional Campaign Coordinator for the Ron Paul campaign made an astounding announcement that the Paul camp now has more than 20,000 registered volunteers. Mr. Greenspan stated "I don't know any campaign in history that has had that many volunteers." Against the will of the mainstream media, this unbelievable amount of support is showing that Ron Paul's campaign is transparently evolving into a social movement. Later in the show, a caller asked why the main stream media is ignoring Ron Paul. Mr. Greenspan stated that there is a clear bias against the Paul campaign by mainstream pundits. He gave the example of the last Republican debate where Fox News did a CELL PHONE POLL. Before and during the poll, Sean Hannity explained at length how this poll would be scientific. Alluding to previous internet polls where Ron Paul had dominated, Sean Hannity quickly recanted his claims that Fox's
cell phone poll was scientific when all of a sudden Dr. Paul again began to receive more votes than any other candidate. Mr. Greenspan also stated that Ron Paul is now third in terms of campaign dollars among his Republican counterparts and the contributions are growing at an enormous rate.

War battered dogs are we
Fighters in every clime;
Fillers of trench and of grave,
Mockers bemocked by time,
War dogs hungry and grey,
Gnawing a naked bone,
Fighters in every clime-
Every cause but our own
-Emily Lawless "With the Wild Geese"

Building a website is a piece of cake.
Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.

Friday, August 03, 2007

[FL4RonPaul] Ron Paul's humble request: ...AS SOON AS YOU CAN. (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2007 11:57:24 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] Ron Paul's humble request: ...AS SOON AS YOU CAN.

August 3, 2007

What a great time we had in San Antonio last weekend. An enthusiastic bunch of Texans thronged the Alamo for a rally, and then there was a fundraising dinner at an historic museum. More than a thousand people attended one or the other. San Antonio is a military town. Indeed, I served there myself in the Air Force, and lots of soldiers and airmen came up to offer their support. Some were Iraq veterans, some were headed there, and all supported getting us out. As I told the crowd, with our non-interventionist foreign policy, there would be 3,600 young Americans still alive, and 25,000 more not badly wounded. It got the biggest response of the evening. Then a 14-year-old girl told me she was helping the campaign so her daddy, a soldier, would not have to go to Iraq. I told her there are many thousands of us working to that exact end, to keep him and all the others safe. What an outrage that we are accused of not supporting the troops. What a scam when the warmongers claim to
be pro-soldier.

Lots of military people turned out to be aware that our campaign got more donations from soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines than any other. Funny, that made a big impression in Congress too. Many of my colleagues were amazed and encouraged that you can be against this unconstitutional and disastrous war, and get military support. This weekend I meet with family, high-school classmates, and local friends and supporters in Pittsburgh We are really looking forward to it!

Then it's a full week in Iowa. On Sunday, there's the ABC debate , and next weekend is the Ames straw poll. Other campaigns seem to be pulling back, to try to lower expectations. We are stepping things up, with more staff, another office, and a significant TV and radio buy. This all costs a lot of money, of course, as does our continuing work in New Hampshire, South Carolina, Arizona, and other states. But I have been thrilled by the support among Iowa Republicans for our issues—on the war, on pro-life, on fiscal conservatism. This is fertile territory for us. Now we just have to work harder than our opponents at recruiting supporters, organizing them, and getting them to the straw poll. Some media have hinted that a good showing by our campaign would be a bombshell. I don't make predictions, but I am cautiously optimistic about our chances. However, I very much need your help.

We got a lot of good publicity earlier about our prudence in spending. Indeed, I treat every donation with care, since it comes from a good American who shares our hope for the future, and who had to work hard to earn that money. But all that publicity about our non-spendthrift ways had a "blowback" effect—if you will excuse the expression. It made some people feel the campaign did not need support, right at the very time we especially need it. Stand with me in Iowa. I very much need your support. Please, send the most generous donation you can, as soon as you can.

Sincerely, Ron

( This is a most important time in this campaign, please try to donate as generous a donation as possible at this time as Ron requests. With Ron being in Iowa all week there will be thousands of dollars of added expense for the campaign and they depend on us (NOT SPECIAL INTERESTS) to meet these added expenses. After this weeks generous contribution to help in Iowa please try to send something EACH PAYDAY to help them get up advertising in all early primary and caucus states. A little EACH PAYDAY can really add up if we just make a regular habit of sending it to the campaign. I and my grandchildren THANK YOU ! )

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Thursday, August 02, 2007

[FL4RonPaul] Ron Paul is the only candidate who can win, for America! (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 13:21:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: The General <>
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] Ron Paul is the only candidate who can win, for America!

A short must see film!

War battered dogs are we
Fighters in every clime;
Fillers of trench and of grave,
Mockers bemocked by time,
War dogs hungry and grey,
Gnawing a naked bone,
Fighters in every clime-
Every cause but our own
-Emily Lawless "With the Wild Geese"

Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool.

[FL4RonPaul] The Army Times: Ron Paul Surprise Fave Among Troops (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 18:32:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: The General <>
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] The Army Times: Ron Paul Surprise Fave Among Troops

The Army Times: Ron Paul 'Surprise Fave Among Troops'
Wednesday, August 1st, 2007 in News, Politics by Eric Garris|

>From the August 6 edition of The Army Times (print edition only, not online):

War battered dogs are we
Fighters in every clime;
Fillers of trench and of grave,
Mockers bemocked by time,
War dogs hungry and grey,
Gnawing a naked bone,
Fighters in every clime-
Every cause but our own
-Emily Lawless "With the Wild Geese"

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 21:43:15 -0400
From: Henry Morgan <>

------ Original Message ------
Received: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 08:50:45 PM EDT
From: "AFTF / RTR Press Release" <>
To: "Ralph Fucetola" <>

Send this everywhere!

To Ron Paul Supporters: Aug 2, 2007

Everything we are all doing is going to be brought to NAUGHT --- if the
Diebold computers being used to "count" the votes by the Iowa GOP at the
Iowa Straw Poll - are used to STEAL the Straw Poll Election from Ron Paul.

YES - despite a study from computer scientists at the University of
California paid for by the Secretary of State of California - publicized in
the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times LAST SATURDAY (July 28, 2007) -
the Iowa GOP is STILL planning to use the easily rigged Diebold computers to
"count" the vote at the Straw poll!

You see, the study showed that the Diebold computers were easily hacked,
easily rigged, -- and totally unreliable for conducting elections. And this
is old news, several authoritative studies have already shown this from MIT,
Cal Tech, Princeton University, and numerous other sources.

Search "Diebold Princeton University" on YOUTUBE - and you can see a 9
minute demonstration. Add "FOX News" to the search - and there is another 3
minute demonstration by these scientists on FOX News.

Citizens for a Fair Vote Count and allies are conducting a verification
EXIT POLL at the Ames Straw Poll. We're asking all Ron Paul people who vote
in the Ames Straw Poll in the official election on the easily rigged Diebold
- to cast a second "ballot" in our exit poll. IF WE COME UP with 5000 Ron
Paul exit poll ballots - the Iowa GOP better not say he only got 2000 votes!
Get the point?

WE NEED YOU! Did you see the movie BRAVEHEART??? We need the Highlanders to
come down to the "battle" at Ames, Iowa on August 11, 2007 - by the hundreds
- and the thousands. We need about 200 volunteers to work with our
verification "exit poll" on the day of August 11 --- sign up at the election
reform meetup, which is at this address:

We need 30 or 40 people donating an average of $100 to help us pay for the
ballots, t-shirts, headquarters, banners, tables, chairs, etc. to make sure
that Ron Paul's vote is not stolen! Even $5 will help! Please email your
contributions to paypal at: - you can also find
the donate button at the above election reform meetup address.We can
confront the computer votefraud issue at Ames, Iowa in a big way!

Millions of our fellow Americans have fought and bled and died over the
past 200 years for our freedoms --- let's not let Diebold and the Iowa GOP
spit on their sacrifice in Ames by conducting yet another SECRET VOTE
"COUNT." Let all of us HONOR the sacrifice of all our fallen soldiers over

For more info, go to this web page for two stories:

- one tells what happened at the Ames Straw Poll in 1995. One (A House
without Doors) tells about the proven vote fraud against Pat Buchanan in the
1996 Iowa Presidential Caucuses, and how it was done. See you in Ames?

Jim Condit Jr.
Citizens for a Fair Vote Count;

Jim Palmisano
National Ron Paul Supporters Meetup
Missouri Coordinator: Restore the Republic Missouri Coordinator: We the
People Congress ==============================================

Another action item:
Make Ron Paul Video #1 for MSNBC Hardball Ad Challenge

A good friend of ours over on has submitted a
commercial to the MSNBC's Hardball Campaign Ad Challenge. He has made a
great commercial and it has made it to the finals, but now needs our votes.
Unfortunately MSNBC has made his video unwatchable so most people are going
to skip over it. So please go and vote for it. The video that wins will be
played on National Cable T.V. This is worth millions in free advertising for
RP and the video is
really great.

Here is the youtube link that works so you can watch it:

Here is the MSNBC link so you can vote for it (it is the one with the IRS
logo with a big Red X over it):

Click on the video then VOTE for it.

--Dustan Costine
All Your Freedoms, Inc., P.O. Box #1213, 264 South La Cienega Blvd.,
Beverly Hills, California 90211

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Why do you support Hillary Clinton?

Hillary Clinton is doing good in some election poles, but I don't know
why. Do you really think she is sincere? Do you really think she
cares about the American people? If so, you should ask yourself the
following questions. Why did she vote for the "Patriot Act?" Notice
that I have "Patriot Act" in quotes. That's because for what it does,
"Patriot Act" wasn't a good name for it. It should probably be called
The Government Can Spy on it's citizens Act. Hillary supporters, why
do you want to be spied on? If this isn't bad enough, she voted to
send American troops in harms way for an unnecessary war. You might
say that both democrats and republicans voted for the war originally.
However, there is one congressmen who voted against both The "Patriot
Act" and the war in Iraq from the beginning. His name is Ron Paul and
he is running for president in 2008. For a starting point for
information, check out
. Then google Ron Paul. After doing that, if you still think you have
a good reason to support Hillary Clinton, leave a comment on this blog post.

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Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 01:57:52 -0400
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the whole truth; to know the worst, and provide for it." ~ ~ ~ Patrick
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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

CNN Calls Republicans’ Bluff, Reschedules YouTube Debate

CNN says that they'll reschedule the Sept. 17th republican debate so
the other republican so-called candidates' schedule. Let's see what
other excuses they'll come up with to wiggle out of answering people's

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