[FL4RonPaul] ACTION ALERT FRIDAY 13TH - Call-In Day (fwd)
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 23:29:59 -0400 (EDT)
From: Ryan Mann <rmann@rmisp.net>
To: rmann@myfreedombox.com
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] ACTION ALERT FRIDAY 13TH - Call-In Day (fwd)
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Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 02:38:50 -0000
From: anarchist1938 <anarchist1938@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: FL4RonPaul@yahoogroups.com
To: FL4RonPaul@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] ACTION ALERT FRIDAY 13TH - Call-In Day
Ron Paul Registered 0% Support in Latest USA Today Poll
Washington D.C. 7/11/2007 12:02 PM GMT (TransWorldNews)
Ron Paul's campaign suffered a setback today in the latest USA Today /
Gallup poll that shows him with 0% support in their latest national
poll. Ron Paul has always been barely registering in the polls but
after a strong Iowa rally and Q2 fundraising, it was expected that
the Ron Paul campaign would catch fire beyond the Internet.
The USA Today poll has as its leaders Giuliani and Thompson with 30%
and 20% respectively.
When USAElectionPolls.com was asked about Ron Paul's disappointing
poll numbers, they responded that "Because of their already low
polling numbers and the high margins of error on these polls,
fluctuation will be the greatest for candidates with little name
recognition. Mitt Romney is leading in Iowa and New Hampshire but did
not even get double digits in this poll. We have yet to see a credible
scientific poll taken in Iowa since Ron Paul's Iowa Rally and that
would be particularly more telling for Ron Paul's campaign than this
national poll."
Supporters of Ron Paul will claim that their candidate's strong Q2
fundraising is somewhat of a poll in and of itself. One that tests
which candidate has the strongest supporters that are willing to
donate a couple of hundred dollars to a campaign. With news that their
candidate has more money in the bank than John McCain, Paul supporters
are still behind their candidate
URGENT !!!!!!! CALL GALLUP. Tell them they forgot to call you.
Friday the 13th D Day.
Ron Paul Poll - let's make this happen. Let them know that we are not
just on the internet.
Who to call on Friday the 13th. Let your fingers do the walking with
this message. Spread this message far and wide.
Hi, My name is ____________________________________
Since you didn't call me for your presidential polls I am calling to
tell you that I am working for and voting for Dr. Ron Paul.
Thank you. Bye
Lets make this Friday the 13th a day the pollsters will remember.
Hit'em hard and make it hurt. It worked in MI, Iowa and SC.
Not sure where to turn?
The Gallup Organization's chief worldwide contact is:
Sarah Van Allen
Phone: +1-877-242-5587 or +1-202-715-3030
Fax: +1-202-715-3045
901 F Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20004
email: sarah_van_allen@gallup.com
United States
Gallup Riverfront Campus
1001 Gallup Drive
Omaha, NE 68102 USA
Tel: +1-402-951-2003 Fax: +1-888-500-8282
Atlanta, Georgia
945 East Paces Ferry Road, NE,
Suite 2400
Atlanta, GA 30326
Tel: +1-404-525-9930 Fax: +1-404-525-8645
Chicago, Illinois
111 South Wacker Drive,
Suite 4850
Chicago, IL 60606
Tel: +1-312-357-0199 Fax: +1-312-357-0836
Cleveland, Ohio
BP Building
200 Public Square, Suite 2020
Cleveland, OH 44114
Tel: +1-216-776-1125
Detroit, Michigan
1000 Town Center, Suite 2450
Southfield, MI 48075
Tel: +1-248-727-0040 Fax: +1-248-727-0047
Houston, Texas
9595 Six Pines Drive, Suite 6200
The Woodlands, TX 77380-1493
Tel: +1-281-528-1800 Fax: +1-281-528-1810
Los Angeles (Irvine), California
18300 Von Karman Ave.,
Suite 1000 10th Floor
Irvine, CA 92612
Tel: +1-949-474-7900 Fax: +1-949-474-5963
Minneapolis, Minnesota
8500 Normandale Lake Boulevard, Suite 850
Minneapolis, MN 55437
Tel: +1-952-806-0630 Fax: +1-952-806-0640
New York, New York
1251 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 2350
New York, NY 10020-1104
Tel: +1-212-899-4890 Fax: +1-212-899-4899
Omaha, Nebraska
1001 Gallup Drive
Omaha, NE 68102 USA
Tel: +1-402-951-2003 Fax: +1-888-500-8282
Princeton, New Jersey
502 Carnegie Center, Suite 300
Princeton, NJ 08540
Tel : 800-888-5493 or +1-609-924-9600 Fax: +1-609-927-2541
San Francisco, California
101 California Street, Suite 3000
San Francisco, CA 94111
Tel: +1-415-844-0300 Fax: +1-415-844-0305
Washington, D.C.
901 F Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20004
Tel: +1-202-715-3030 Fax: +1-202-715-3041
Rasmussen Reports.com
Phone: 732-776-9777
Email: info@rasmussenreports.com
901 Broad Street, Utica,
New York 13501 USA
1600 K Street, Suite 600,
Washington, DC 20006 USA
NY phone 315.624.0200
Toll Free in the U.S. & Canada 1-877-GO-2-POLL
Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
Pew Research Center
1615 L Street, NW Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036
p 202.419.4300 (main) f 202.419.4349
The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press
p 202.419.4350 (main) f 202.419.4399
email: info@people-press.org
P.O. Box 42580
Washington, DC 20015
Contact: Thomas H. Silver
Phone: 202-237-2000 / Fax: 202-237-2001
Email: editor@pollingreport.com
Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, Inc.
2121 K Street NW Suite 800
Washington, D.C. 20037
Phone: (202) 548-2680
Email: info@mason-dixon.com
Web: http://www.mason-dixon.com/
Strategic Vision
Atlanta, GA (Headquarters)
2451 Cumberland Parkway Suite 3607
Atlanta, GA 30339
P 877-556-0004 (toll free) F 877-556-9822 (toll free)
Madison, WI
1360 Regent Street Suite 152
Madison, WI 53715
P 877-287-2141 (toll free) F 877-287-2399 (toll free)
Seattle, WA
800 5th Avenue Suite 101-387
Seattle, WA 98104
P 877-245-0098 (toll free) F 877-245-4699 (toll free)
Tallahassee, FL
2892 Park Avenue Suite 5
Tallahassee, FL 32301
P 877-878-2680 (toll free) F 877-878-2681 (toll free)
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