Liberty and Accessibility

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


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Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 00:16:35 -0400
From: Henry Morgan <>

For those who can't attend the four day course.......... or perhaps for
those who can attend too. I'd be interested in someone who's attending
the 4 day course and who takes this one too......reporting back and
comparing the two courses.


For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know
the whole truth; to know the worst, and provide for it. ~ ~ ~ Patrick
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Michael Banarik's awesome, "Introduction To The Constitution" class is
now available FREE on Google in 7 approximately 1 hr segments. (actually
totals about 8 hours if I recall correctly)

Watch this fun, easy 8 hour course and you will know more about the
Constitution than most legislators do. (But then.....the Owners should know
more than the employees.......don't you think?)


Michael's book, "Good To Be King" is an excellent companion to the
course. The book ...... and the course on DVDs (a 12 hour version)

are also available here: HYPERLINK
""http://www.constitutionpreservatio (Amazon is out of stock)

Or you can have Michael come to your location and deliver the course LIVE

if you sign up enough people here: HYPERLINK

I attended one of Michael's LIVE presentations (in Austin) and wouldn't have
missed it for anything. It was SUPER!!!!!!)

Michael puts the Constitution and it's underlying principles into context
and perspective , sometimes using information that you already
know.....but for which you just haven't yet "connected the dots" as well
as perspective and insights from the Founders themselves that you have
probably never heard before. Therefore you gain insights during the course
that leave you " KNOWING in your bones " , what the Constitution REALLY

But to get that ....whether or not you use Google, the DVDs, or the
Book.... you must see (and/or read) Michael in action.

If you are in the habit of looking up at government........get ready for a
major paradigm shift. You'll find the experience " elevating " in ways
you might not have expected .


PS Here are some comments about Michael's book and Course that others
have made.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
/stars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"Awesome, May 13, 2007
69-6678020"TSK (IL USA) - HYPERLINK
5-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
This guy's got it right on. Too bad the politicians that get elected don't
see what's really happened in this country.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
/stars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"What You Don't Know About the Constitution Could
Fill This Book, January 3, 2007
9-6678020"Jonathan McCartney - HYPERLINK
-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&nodeId=14279681&pop-up=1#RN"(REAL NAME)
He may not be a good politician (as he comes off as abrasive in his
political discussion) but he is one hell of an author. This book
systematically takes apart the Constitution article by article, amendment by
amendment, section by section, verse by verse to analyze the Constitution.
He does not just interpret the text, he gives you historical background on
all the items.

At the end of the book he also lists all the books he has read which
contributed to this book. I have started in on them and have liked them all.
I have come away with a better understanding of America and the Constitution

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
/stars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"Every American should read this book, January 3,
869-6678020"William Roscoe "Bill Roscoe" (Erwin, TN USA) - HYPERLINK
05-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&nodeId=14279681&pop-up=1#RN"(REAL NAME)
Every American who still wants to protect this country should read this
book. It will help them uderstand what the Founding Fathers wanted when The
United States of America was founded, and why.

I also think it should be required reading in all of our High Schools.

William A. Roscoe

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
/stars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"Must Read, December 21, 2006
869-6678020"K. Berry (Holladay, TN United States) - HYPERLINK
05-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&nodeId=14279681&pop-up=1#RN"(REAL NAME)
If you even think you love your country then this book is must reading.
Badnarik explains our Republican system of government as it was intended to
be practiced. Only with an educated populace can we ever hope to reclaim our
Federal government, retame it, and MAKE it perform as it should. I would
love to see American History professors put this book on their reading list
for their students.

4 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
/stars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"I am back to buy 5 more copies, November 11, 2005

869-6678020"White H. Marriott - HYPERLINK
05-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&nodeId=14279681&pop-up=1#RN"(REAL NAME)
I think I have bought a total of 12 here at Amazon. I hope they are being
read. I am trying to get this book in all my area libraries, even if I am
donating them all a few at a time. I hope he is writing the sequel as he is
getting his campaign for Congress under way (TX Dist. 10.)

13 of 13 people found the following review helpful:
/stars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"Badnarik writes with humor, clarity, sincerity
and a sense of urgency., July 20, 2005
869-6678020"Bruce M. Guthrie - HYPERLINK
05-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&nodeId=14279681&pop-up=1#RN"(REAL NAME)
This book will shake you up a bit.
It is every bit as much a page-turner as a lot of works of light fiction,
yet it deals with important and serious topics.
It is accessible enough for high school students, yet has enough interesting
detail to be useful for people of all ages and levels of sophistication.
It should appeal to Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, and Republicans alike.
The main people who don't want you to read this book are those in power who
find the Constitution an inconvenient hurdle to their desires to violate our
Badnarik writes with humor, clarity, sincerity and a sense of urgency.
Read this book while you still can.

10 of 11 people found the following review helpful:
/stars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"A Must Read, May 3, 2005
869-6678020"Beth Lehem (Pennsylvania - where it all began) - HYPERLINK
05-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews

Good To be King - The Foundation of Our Constitutional Freedom should be on
the reading list of every high school and older US citizen. This detailed
book on the Constitution provides information that most people don't learn
in History or Civics classes. To understand our government now it is
important to understand the foundation on which it was build. Mr. Badnarik
writes in an appealing style which is enjoyable as well as informative.
Highly recommended!

4 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
/stars-4-0._V47081936_.gif"Great, but not perfect, April 27, 2005
869-6678020"J. Meyers (Iowa) - HYPERLINK
05-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&nodeId=14279681&pop-up=1#RN"(REAL NAME)
I have always been interested in the constitution, especially the Bill of
Rights. I wanted something to increase my knowledge, and this did that. I
agreed with 90% of what he said. He had really interesting and insightful
points. Two complaints.
1.The chapter on the Judical System was not as well written as the others, a
little hard to understand at times.
2. I didn't like the shots he took at Abraham Lincoln. He should have been
more indepth over his complaints with him.
But overall, great book. Needs to be read by everyone.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
/stars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"Incredible Insight, January 26, 2005
869-6678020"Submarine Veteran (The Florida Republic) - HYPERLINK
05-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews

I had the pleasure of receiving this book from Michael directly and read it
cover-to-cover on the flight and at the hotel after I landed.

His breakdown of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and the meaning of
each sentence to every American is "must have" knowlege if We The People
want to retain our freedoms. He highlights the intent of the founders in
limiting the government control on our freedoms and how many of them are
being abused and/or eroded by those currently in power.

For those who ever served in the military or in public office, and made an
oath to "uphold and defend the Constitution", this is an extremely important
book to read.

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
tars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"Kerry/Bush vowed to NOT debate him, January 24,
69-6678020"KP Lindsley "Scott" (Seattle, Washington United States) -
5-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
This book is required reading for anyone that wants to know what the current
Libertarian front is. It is designed to clear up so many of the
misconceptions about the party and the philosophy.

Michael Badnarik is right in line with many perspectives that the
Libertarian party has been working to bring BACK to the general public for

I have surmised that in a socialist country you are NOT free to be
libertarian, in a libertarian country you ARE free to be socialist (so long
as your socialist groups are made up of voluintary members, hence

This is bolstered by the methods described in the book for eliminating the
excesses of our current political system and keeping the government to it's
role of protecting life, liberty and property.

I have purchased a few copies of this book for family and friends, as it is
a great primer for those who recieved only a cursory/jaded* review of the
founding documents in 'school'.

He, with the tenents in this book, belongs in the national debates (Next
time huh?).

He also teaches a class with this book as the resource for the class.

I would like to see a follow up book SOON, as well as more interest from the
Americas as to the proper role of government.

It's like the Badnarik says, 'If you don't vote [and work] for Liberty,
you'll never get it.'

It's hard to argue with logic like that.


Scott L.
Seattle, Washington
(On the web with numerous Libertarian groups and activities)

8 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
tars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"What I didn't know..., January 5, 2005
869-6678020"dataSponge (Sussex, WI) - HYPERLINK
05-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews

I come from an upper middle-class background where we cited the Pledge of
Allegience and had to memorize the 'Preamble' in private school. My point
being that I am not altogether completely ignorant of the Constitution, or
at least I didn't think I was.

This book will open your eyes, and per Badnarik's intent, rattle your cage
about what you learn. He welcomes you to research his points for yourself,
which is a good idea for anyone whether you're inclined to agree or disagree
with him. This book has inspired me to do further research on my own.

You will learn that many of the 'givens' in our society are in direct
violation of our individual rights and/or completely 'unconstitutional'. A
possibly small case in point - we always hear about our system of gov. being
referred to as a democracy. We don't have a democracy. We have a republic as
specifically intended by the Founding Fathers.

Someone called Michael Badnarik "unbiased" in his writings, which I
completely disagree with. However, Badnarik's premises are based off of or
in agreement with the major contributors among the Founding Fathers' own
beliefs. Again, that is all independantly researchable. Suffice it to say,
men like James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Sam Adams, George Washington and
Ben Franklin would be appalled by the goverment we have today.

You can get your own copy of the Declaration of Independence/Constitution
for about $5 from the Cato Institute, which is probably the first item that
should be researched.

Like other readers I have noticed several typographical errors and a poor
binding. Those are the only cons I can list for this book, and for me
they're completely irrelevent. The content of the book far, far aways the
minor cons.

I'm familiar with Badnarik running as the LP Presidential Candidate, and
while I might not agree with him on every single line item of his stance, I
have to say he certainly knows the Constitution and the light in which it
was written and intended.

4 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
tars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"Everything you ever wanted to know about the
Constitution!, December 27, 2004
69-6678020"Derek J. Hanson (Chicago, IL USA) - HYPERLINK
5-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&nodeId=14279681&pop-up=1#RN"(REAL NAME)
Michael Badnarik does a great job of explaining the US Constitution in terms
anyone can understand. In fact, in his book as well as his 8-hour class, he
teaches the constitution in a way that no one else does, or would dare to.

How well do you know and understand the Constitution? Do you know when it
was ratified? Did you know that the Bill of Rights has a preable? Do you
know what Common Law is? Read this book!!!

You will be shocked and amazed, and enlightened. After reading his book, you
will know more about the Constitution than most of your elected officials!

4 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
tars-4-0._V47081936_.gif"I couldn't put it down!, December 16, 2004
69-6678020"Milton C. Hotard (Raleigh, NC) - HYPERLINK
5-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&nodeId=14279681&pop-up=1#RN"(REAL NAME)
Once I started reading the book, I found it difficult to stop. Mr. Badnarik
is very interesting and informative and even funny at times.

The chapter on "other amendments" appears to have been rushed to completion.

But the worst is:
I thought I would have a book that I could share for many years to come but
the pages started falling out before I finished reading it, very poor
binding. Maybe the paperback version would be a better choice.

6 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
tars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"Must read for all, December 10, 2004
69-6678020"Eric H. Smith "" (Reidsville, NC) - HYPERLINK
5-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
Mr. Badnarik goes beyond the twisted scope of the biased media and elected
officials and shows you what really is in the Constitution. He shares with
the reader an insight that is not taught across americas schools but should
be. A must read for every American.

tars-4-0._V47081936_.gif"A layman's guide to the highest law of the land,
December 4, 2004
869-6678020"J. D. Seagraves "United I stand, by myself, a... (Michigan) -
05-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&nodeId=14279681&pop-up=1#RN"(REAL NAME)
GOOD TO BE KING is an excellent book that will add to most readers'
understanding of the Constitution. That sacred document, written mostly in
18th century prose, can be a little dry and weighty for many readers, and
what Mr. Badnarik does with this book is transliterate the text into
modern-day vernacular; breaking down each article, clause, and amendment.
His own bias is evident in the interpretation, no doubt, and readers would
be well advised to pursue other understandings of the Constitution before
taking Mr. Badnarik's words as gospel, but all in all, I learned a lot. I
thoroughly enjoyed this book, reading it in its entirety on one Saturday

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
tars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"Best book I've ever read on Government, November
29, 2004
69-6678020"John Heidingsfelder (Charlottesville, Va USA) - HYPERLINK
5-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&nodeId=14279681&pop-up=1#RN"(REAL NAME)
I'm an American, and this is perhaps the best book I've read on the function
and form of American government today. It is also a stinging reminder of how
uninformed and crippled most Americans are in their understanding of the
government that they support.

I would have to recommend that you pick up a copy of the Declaration of
Independence and the Consititution of the USA for about 5 bucks. The Bill of
Rights also, as verification of the rights that all human beings are
concieved with. Once you read through this book, and the beforementioned,
you will have a clear understanding of what America is, and it's not defined
by the government- but by the people. That is the difference between us an
all of the other failed governments throughout history.

To ensure the future, I encourage you to educate yourself and purchase this
book. You can only regret it if you don't.

2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
tars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"Easy to read and informative, November 28, 2004
869-6678020"Christopher Fortner "scullyfan_99" (TN, United States) -
05-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&nodeId=14279681&pop-up=1#RN"(REAL NAME)
What I like most about Michael's book is that it is written for someone who
isn't a scholar or has a PhD. The concepts are outlined and discussed in a
practical way so that an individual can gain an appreciation for liberty and
eventually taking responsibility for their affairs. I have had the
opportunity to meet Michael on several occasions and I can say firsthand he
is passionate and dedicated to the cause of liberty.

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
tars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"An excellent and easy to read overview of the
Constitution, November 27, 2004
869-6678020"Donald M. Martin "Don Martin" (Grand Rapids, MI) - HYPERLINK
05-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&nodeId=14279681&pop-up=1#RN"(REAL NAME)
I read this book in a single sitting the day I got it. I couldn't put it
down because I felt like I was learning on every page. After reading this,
you'll be armed with some amazing knowledge about our Constitution that very
few people know about. I considered myself a fairly knowledgable person on
the Constitution and the founding fathers, but I was surprised at how wrong
I was taught about many aspects. This book is perfect for people who aren't
big on reading and those people who aren't particularly interested in
political rhetoric. Badnarik lets the history and facts stand for themselves
without being preachy. I'm proud to say I voted for this man in the 2004
election and I have hopes that he will run again.

5 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
/stars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"WOW! Great Book, November 24, 2004
69-6678020"Drew Wrenbeck "Drew" (Ann Arbor MI) - HYPERLINK
5-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&nodeId=14279681&pop-up=1#RN"(REAL NAME)
I didn't realize I could learn so much in such a short and entertaining
read. Plus Badnarik's style of telling you where you can do your own
research (internet, books, government documents) means I will be learning
for years to come.


59 of 63 people found the following review helpful:
/stars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"A gift within a gift, October 28, 2004
69-6678020"Kamal Jain (Lowell, MA USA) - HYPERLINK
5-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&nodeId=14279681&pop-up=1#RN"(REAL NAME)
Michael Badnarik has succinctly and accurately stated not only the true
nature of the United States Constitution, but also the true nature of the
country we should have but have forsaken.

Anyone who seeks the truth would see with even casual research that the
sentiments of our nation's founders were presented in plain English for the
entire world to see in our Constitution.

Badnarik doesn't waste time with those who cannot reconcile what should be
with what is. For over 200 years America was the World's home of liberty,
peace and prosperity -- a gift from our nation's founders who put their
lives, liberty and sacred honor on the line.

Michael Badnarik returns the favor by giving us a gift of a simple,
articulate and true explanation of their gift, which is our birthright as

As Winston Churchill once said, "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may
attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is."

So here is the truth. It isn't easy to accept how badly we have neglected
our duty to preserve liberty and it isn't easy to contemplate how to fix
things...but few worthwhile things in life are easy.

34 of 39 people found the following review helpful:
/stars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"Constitutional Freedom.... Is it too late????,
October 27, 2004
869-6678020"Sirluke (Tulsa, Oklahoma United States) - HYPERLINK
05-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews

I have read the pre-release of this book. It's really good. The status quo
may never allow constitutional liberty to occur, they gain more and more
power as the thought police i.e. "media, public schools & politicians"
tickle the majorities ears, tell them what they want to hear, and woe to
anyone else who questions thy authority! Read the book for yourself. The
negative comment below sounds like a typical socialist! 1. Look at his book
lists back to February 2000, not much constitutional there, just a few books
out of 383 of them!!! 2. Has written only 1 review... hmmm 3. A point by
point rebuttal would be excellent, we have plenty of time! 4. doubt he has
read the book or even a pre-release copy since he complains of the 6+ week
wait. The publisher has already promised the books long before that! But you
would have to contact the publisher to know that, guess facts were not
checked! . Amazon ships quick once they get the order too! Read the top 20
constitutional books sold on Amazon, or choose to read the 20 constitutional
books that Vicki Long has listed in her listmania then make an educated
decision for yourself....

145 of 146 people found the following review helpful:
/stars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"The Constitution as it isn't Taught in School,
October 20, 2004
869-6678020"Lex Concord - HYPERLINK
05-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews

"Good to be King: The Foundations of Freedom" is a solid primer on the
Constitution as the Founders wrote it -- the blueprint for a government
strictly limited to protecting the rights of the people. Michael Badnarik,
the Libertarian Party's presidential nominee for 2004, begins with a brief
history of the United States before the Constitution, under the Articles of
Confederation, then proceeds to review the Constitution one section at a
time, giving special attention to the Bill of Rights.

Throughout the book, Badnarik stresses the difference between rights and
privileges, pointing out that our rights aren't granted by the government --
we possess them independently of government, so we don't need government
permission to exercise our rights. He reminds the reader that we the people
created the government, and it is supposed to work for us, not the other way

The book also discusses how a government that was supposed to be severely
limited has grown out of control on our watch, and offers some constructive
suggestions for what to do about it.

>From the title, I thought Badnarik might be discussing the imperial
presidency that has developed over time, but it turns out he was talking
about a different kind of sovereignty. You'll have to read it yourself to
find out who the "king" really is.

62 of 63 people found the following review helpful:
/stars-5-0._V47081849_.gif"Wonderful read about liberty, Constitution &
today, October 20, 2004
69-6678020"J. Schwartz - HYPERLINK
5-0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview"See all my reviews
0992869-6678020?ie=UTF8&nodeId=14279681&pop-up=1#RN"(REAL NAME)
This book is based on Michael Badnarik's eight hour class on the American
Constitution which he has been teaching for the last several years. Michael
Badnarik is the 2004 Libertarian Party candidate for President of the U.S.
His book is extremely informative. You will learn things, documented in fact
and history, that are the opposite of what you were taught in public
Anyone who is concerned about freedom in this country should read this book.
You can learn more about the author at HYPERLINK

For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know
the whole truth; to know the worst, and provide for it. ~ ~ ~ Patrick
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