[FL4RonPaul] Proof of Quietly Blocking Ron Paul on IA Candidate Forum (fwd)
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 14:07:46 -0400
From: Frank Gonzalez <voteliberty@bellsouth.net>
Reply-To: FL4RonPaul@yahoogroups.com
To: Frank Gonzalez <voteliberty@bellsouth.net>
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] Proof of Quietly Blocking Ron Paul on IA Candidate Forum
Here it is, folks.
The truth that Ron Paul (and I) brings is opposed even more fiercely by
establishment Republicans than by establishment Democrats. Doesn't it
thrill you with curiosity and excitement to see how Ron Paul's own
Republican Party is deathly afraid of him?
You must read this below! If you do not get your information from people
like me or some other internet source, you're just not getting information.
You don't really think the TV or radio media cares to tell you the REAL
news, do you?
Ha ha ha ha!
Get with the present day! There never was going to be a starting gun to
usher in this new way of getting informed!
Frank J. Gonzalez
A Ron Paul Democrat for US House (FL-21) in 2008
2006 results here: http://www.2008racetracker.com/page/FL-21
Updates & commentary: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/gofrank/
"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as
necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."
"I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American
people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting
an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus
building a wall of separation between church and state."
--founder of the Democratic Party, 3rd President of the United States,
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
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The Iowa Crime of '07
by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
As I wrote on Wednesday, the misnamed Iowans for Tax Relief and
the Iowa Christian Alliance (ICA) have chosen to exclude Ron Paul from their
candidates' forum on June 30.
There is more to report.
I've received emails from people telling me that the folks at
the ICA insist that they had nothing to do with excluding Dr. Paul, and that
the blame rests with Ed Failor of Iowans for Tax Relief. (Ed's not too
popular with a lot of people these days, apparently.)
Now I have no doubt that there may be some decent people at the
ICA, and that they may really believe what they are saying. But that
organization cannot possibly be believed when it innocently claims it has
nothing against Ron Paul.
The ICA has a page on its site that lists all the announced
candidates for president. Here is the link.
Until yesterday, when I pointed it out on the LRC blog and
embarrassed them a bit, there was no Ron Paul.
Now look at the list again. Ever heard of Hugh Cort? John Cox?
Mark Klein? The people at the ICA evidently have, since there they are on
the list. But they apparently hadn't heard of Ron Paul until just yesterday.
Actually, though, they did know who Ron Paul was. They even used
to have him on their list, as this Google cache shows. But then he
They also used to have a link to Paul's YouTube site, along with
those of the other candidates, at the bottom of the page, but that's also
been suppressed. So if they thought they could claim that deleting the link
to Ron Paul's campaign site was some kind of innocent mistake, that isn't
going to work.
Heck, they even include a list of "potential" candidates. That
list includes Al Sharpton.
So Al Sharpton merits inclusion, but Ron Paul does not. There is
the faith of the apostles, according to the Iowa Christian Alliance.
Now let's return to my other favorite Iowa organization, the
Iowans (Allegedly) for Tax Relief. Its executive vice president, Ed Failor,
wasn't happy about my LRC article on Wednesday. Not happy at all.
In fact, he called me on Wednesday and insisted that I correct
something I'd said – that by replacing Jim Gilmore with Duncan Hunter at the
last minute (a fact I discovered by comparing press releases from earlier
this month), Iowans for Tax Relief implicitly revealed that the reason they
were excluding Ron Paul – that the event had supposedly been organized
months ago and was now cast in stone – was bogus, and a lie.
Here is the earth-shattering change Failor wanted me to make.
Hunter, he said, had been one of the original invitees – man, these guys are
just great at picking out the credible candidates, aren't they? – but failed
to respond by the deadline. So when Gilmore dropped out, they went back to
Hunter, who accepted.
But if they really wanted "credible" candidates, why would they
do such a thing? By now even the zombie population can see that Ron Paul is
far more credible than Hunter by any measure. The comparison is almost
laughable. And since Hunter had his chance to participate but elected not to
respond, why not give Paul a chance, since his initial exclusion – on the
ludicrous grounds that he was not a "credible" candidate – has subsequently
been shown to be a gross misjudgment? Paul seems particularly "credible"
given that he came in second behind Fred Thompson in a straw poll that
Iowans for Tax Relief itself co-sponsored!
Meanwhile, with Failor's technicality off his chest, he had
absolutely nothing to say about 99 percent of what I wrote: he never denied
his support for the execrable George Pataki (what non-hack ever supported
Pataki for anything, much less for president?), his support for Pataki's
spending increases, or his donations to the McCain campaign, for which
Failor is a senior advisor.
The humorless Failor appeared on Jan Mickelson's radio program
later that day in order to justify his organization's exclusion of Dr. Paul;
Ron Paul campaign manager Kent Snyder also appeared. You can listen to it
My favorite part is Failor's claim that other non-credible
candidates weren't invited, either, so Ron Paul hasn't been treated
unfairly. And which candidates would those be? Why, Hugh Cort, John Cox, and
Mark Klein, of course!
You cannot make this stuff up.
The "Rudy McRomney" moniker is meant to suggest that the
establishment's favorite Republican candidates are indistinguishable from
each other, and that they collectively represent the same inoffensive
commitment to nothing that characterizes the entire political mainstream. As
surely as the sun will rise tomorrow, electing one of these men means
absolutely nothing will change. Of that you can be certain.
And that's just the way Ed Failor, Rudy McRomney supporter,
evidently likes it. No Ron Paul revolution for him. Who needs a revolution
when you can vote for John McCain and get a slightly more maniacal status
This is the man who sits in judgment of Ron Paul?
And no, Ed, I don't buy your phony explanation. Neither does
anyone with an IQ over 75.
To conclude, here is some information readers may find useful:
Iowa Christian Alliance
515-225-1515 (hasn't been answering)
515-225-1826 (fax)
Steve Scheffler, President, slscheffler@iowachristian.com,
Morris Hurd, Treasurer, mhurd@iowatelecom.net
Gopal Krishna, Finance Chairman, gopkrishna@yahoo.com,
Jessica Anderson, Director of Church/Community Development,
Edward Failor
Executive Vice President
Iowans for Tax Relief
563-288-3600 or 877-913-3600
Fax: 563-264-2413
Katie Koberg
Public Relations Director
Iowans for Tax Relief
June 22, 2007
Thomas E. Woods, Jr. [view his website; send him mail] is senior
fellow in American history at the Ludwig von Mises Institute. His books
include How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization (get a free
chapter here), The Church and the Market: A Catholic Defense of the Free
Economy (first-place winner in the 2006 Templeton Enterprise Awards), and
the New York Times bestseller The Politically Incorrect Guide to American
Copyright © 2007 LewRockwell.com
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