RE: [FL4RonPaul] Fwd: [AmFirstChat] is sponsoring Iowans for Tax Relief debate please call them now!!! (fwd)
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 23:24:25 -0400
From: Henry Morgan <>
Subject: RE: [FL4RonPaul] Fwd: [AmFirstChat] is sponsoring Iowans
for Tax Relief debate please call them now!!!
The so-called "Fair Tax" is a total fraud and it's implementation will be
MUCH MORE INTRUSIVE AND SUPPRESSIVE than the current implementation of the
fraudulently applied Income Tax.
A: If we needed a tax at all ( * which we don't) , the Income Tax, applied
as written, IS TOTALLY LEGITIMATE (it just doesn't apply to most people.)
Here's the scoop on:
The Truth About Federal, State and Local Governments Having Excesses
of Your Tax Dollars They Are Not Using:
B: The Fair Tax, if we needed a tax (* which we don't), would be MUCH WORSE
than the Income Tax is now (while currently being fraudulently applied).
And here's the scoop on the so-called "Fair Tax" :
And I thought the IRS was scary!!!!
Part 1: Fair warning on the "Fair Tax"
Part 2: Fair warning on the "Fair Tax"
The Fair Tax Fraud by Laurence Vance at:
Saying that we should implement the "Fair Tax" to "fix" the Income Tax
Problem is like saying that we should Nuke Iran to "fix" the Iraq problem.
I'll say it again Tom:
For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know
the whole truth; to know the worst, and provide for it. ~ ~ ~ Patrick
Is real money coming back?
Find out at: HYPERLINK ""www.CurrencyAlert.US
From: [] On
Behalf Of Tom Leser
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: [FL4RonPaul] Fwd: [AmFirstChat] is sponsoring
Iowans for Tax Relief debate please call them now!!!
That's true, but the FairTax plan is the only politically viable shot we
have to eliminate the Income Tax and the 16th amendment in the near future.
It's hard enough getting people to grasp the concept of not having an income
tax, I don't even 100% get what you're saying so eliminating the FairTax via
reduced government will have to come next.
Your overall tax burden would go down on a FairTax swap for the Income Tax
so it's not like it's a BAD thing.
On 6/20/07, Henry Morgan <HYPERLINK
""> wrote:
We don't need a replacement for the Income Tax. Google search "CAFR" and
"Walter Burien". Government (at all levels) is so rich now with
off-budget income that ALL existing taxes could be eliminated while
maintaining spending at current levels and STILL HAVE TO RETURN MONEY TO THE
For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know
the whole truth; to know the worst, and provide for it. ~ ~ ~ Patrick
Is real money coming back?
Find out at: HYPERLINK ""
From: FL4RonPaul@yahoogroHYPERLINK "" \
[mailto:HYPERLINK "mailto:FL4RonPaul@" \nFL4RonPaul@HYPERLINK
""yahoogroups.-com] On Behalf Of Tom Leser
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:03 PM
FL4RonPaul@yahoogroHYPERLINK "" \;
Paul_Power@yahoogroHYPERLINK "" \
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] Fwd: [AmFirstChat] HYPERLINK ""
\ is sponsoring Iowans for Tax Relief debate please call them
I hope does the right thing. Before Paul's candidacy this was
my main grassroots priorities.
Some points regarding Ron Paul and his FairTax friendliness (in my opinion)
-3rd most FairTax friendly candidate on the GOP. Huckabee has made this
part of his campaign, Hunter is a cosponsor and talks it up when he can.
Tom Tancredo is a cosponsor but also uses caveats against the FairTax and
still supports income taxation (via the flat tax).
-Ron Paul is not a cosponsor but has said he supports it and would vote YES
for it since it eliminates the Income Tax code and the IRS. RP opposes all
income taxation.
-Ron Paul is the only candidate who is already beyond the goals of the
-Lastly, say you're a FairTax supporter, but will be upset if they do not
pressure Iowans For Tax Relief to have the "Taxpayers Best Friend" included
in the debate.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Greg Roberts <HYPERLINK ""
\ngjrtorino@yahoo.-com >
Date: Jun 20, 2007 2:11 PM
Subject: [AmFirstChat] HYPERLINK "" \ is
sponsoring Iowans for Tax Relief debate please call them now!!!
To: AmFirst Chat Reflector <HYPERLINK "" \n>
The organization HYPERLINK "" \ is sponsoring
the Iowa
Debate - call them and let them know you will no
longer be donating money to them or pushing their
cause if the do not allow Ron Paul in the debate. Also
tell them to pull their sponsorship of the debate if
the Iowans for Tax Relief does not allow Ron Paul in.
Here is HYPERLINK "" \ number
Toll-Free: 1-800-FAIRTAX (324-7829)
Fax: 713-963-8403
HYPERLINK "" \nPolitics@fairtax.-org
Chat mailing list
Tom Leser
Paul For President Coalition Brevard Co. FL Coordinator
HYPERLINK "" \nwww.RonPaul2008.-com
FairTax FL-15 District Director
HYPERLINK "" \nwww.FairTax.-org
America First Party of Florida Treasurer
"Well, in my first week, I already got rid of the income tax. In my second
week, I would get rid of the inflation tax, the tax that nobody talks
about." -Ron Paul
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Tom Leser
Paul For President Coalition Brevard Co. FL Coordinator
HYPERLINK ""www.RonPaul2008.-com
FairTax FL-15 District Director
HYPERLINK ""www.FairTax.-org
America First Party of Florida Treasurer
"Well, in my first week, I already got rid of the income tax. In my second
week, I would get rid of the inflation tax, the tax that nobody talks
about." -Ron Paul
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Anonymous, at 12:54 PM
To All:
The point it seems all are missing is: The New World Order “is our own government.”
The bankers and financiers food is investment capital. “He who owns the Gold makes the rules.” Our Government took the investment arena over in the last 65 years. They own and control every-thing now. Government in the USA is the definition of Organized Crime. The public is just masterfully entertained being given the illusion of what our government was supposed to be. However, it clearly is not.
USA composite government investments and ownership now well exceeds 100 trillion dollars internationally. The have played the corporate takeover game Oh so well. Look at the holdings of just one (1) CAFR. The NY State Retirement fund CAFR. Now at 144 billion. The #1 profit makers you ask? The War Complex, Big Oil, Pharmaceuticals, and the Banks. 300% to 400%. Slight conflict of interest me says.
Fair Tax? Horse pucky. Here they are trying to slip in a “One Tax takes all” when at present only 1/3rd of government’s gross income is from tax income and the public is off in la-la land as to understanding the other 2/3rds is NON-TAX income (Investments and Enterprise operations) shown in the CAFRs but not in the selectively created budget reports.
People better wake up to the scum-bag lawyers that have created the fattest cow on earth having 200,000 nipples of which the attorneys are feeding from in pure gluttony as the public scratches their heads saying “There is something wrong here but I just can’t figure it out.” There is no accident that half of the elected officials are now attorneys. They are consolidating their hold and move so easily in their own club. It is the nature of this beast to bleed you dry, and they are!
National debt you say? I would be VERY interested to find out just how much of that so-called-debt is fund with our own government’s investment funds. Never thought of that hey? Well, my guess would be 45 to 60%. Smell the Roses, they are sweet and bear many thorns.
Walter J. Burien, Jr.
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936
Anonymous, at 1:04 PM
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