Nancy Pelosi has no respect for American Troops
Evidently, house speeker Nancy Pelosi has no respect for troops who
have faught in the Iraq war. Tina Richards is a mother who's sun has
served in Iraq for two tours. As a result, he has a brain injury.
Even with this brain injury, he almost had to serve for a third tour.
His mother, Tina Richards has been trying to get an appointment to see
Nancy Pelosi. Even though Nancy Pelosi is supposed to be against the
war, she is ignoring Tina Richards. Why is this? Hello! Tina
Richards' sun has served in the United States military. The least
those skummy politicians can do is give some respect to him and his
family. Call Nancy Pelosi and ask why she is ignoring her constituents
at 202-225-0100 or 202-225-4965.
have faught in the Iraq war. Tina Richards is a mother who's sun has
served in Iraq for two tours. As a result, he has a brain injury.
Even with this brain injury, he almost had to serve for a third tour.
His mother, Tina Richards has been trying to get an appointment to see
Nancy Pelosi. Even though Nancy Pelosi is supposed to be against the
war, she is ignoring Tina Richards. Why is this? Hello! Tina
Richards' sun has served in the United States military. The least
those skummy politicians can do is give some respect to him and his
family. Call Nancy Pelosi and ask why she is ignoring her constituents
at 202-225-0100 or 202-225-4965.
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