[FL4RonPaul] FW: Announcing: The Ron Paul Dollar! (fwd)
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 15:14:01 -0400
From: Henry Morgan <henrymorgan@knology.net>
Reply-To: FL4RonPaul@yahoogroups.com
To: FREEDOM FORWARDS <henrymorgan@knology.net>
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] FW: Announcing: The Ron Paul Dollar!
For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know
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From: Liberty Dollar [mailto:Sarah@LibertyDollar.org]
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 2:01 PM
To: henrymorgan@knology.net
Subject: Announcing: The Ron Paul Dollar!
Click HYPERLINK "http://www.ronpauldollar.com/"HERE for image s of all
denominations .
Commemorating Independence Day!
Ron Paul Dollar
In celebration of The 4th of July, 2007 you are invited – even urged – to
flex your independence with the Volunteer Network's "secret weapon" – the
Ron Paul Dollar, bringing new meaning to the U.S. Mint's "Presidential
Dollars." WOW! Now the Internet's favorite Presidential candidate has his
own money to help turbo-charge his shot at the White House.
Impossible, you think? Long shot? Dark horse? Think again. This election
is different.
Want to stand this Presidential election on its head? Well, guess what? As
utterly amazing as it may seem, we the people could actually get Ron Paul
nominated. Why? Because there are so many Republican liars running for
President and the field is so fractionalized, that a classic dark house
candidate could win. And that is amazing!
Yes, we all know that politicians are pathological liars. And this campaign
has an unusually large number of liars. Fortunately, Congressman Ron Paul
speaks the truth. He speaks the truth about the government, about money and
about the war. Ron Paul is dedicated to the truth and a government as
defined by the US Constitution.
But Truth without action... dies. The great American experiment is already
dying. You can see signs of it everywhere. The federal empire is
destroying America. And as it grows, we the people lose our purchasing
power, our liberties and even our hope for a prosperous future.
Please don't let the Truth die. Nothing happens without you taking action.
The Liberty Dollar cannot cure our country's monetary ills without YOU.
Congressman Ron Paul cannot be elected without YOU. You are the most
important person in this election.
So the Volunteer Network created a "secret weapon" – the Ron Paul Dollar.
Available in pure $1 Copper, $20 Silver, and $1000 Gold Ron Paul Dollars.
It was specifically designed to popularize Ron Paul's campaign, put more
real money in the people's hands, and attract more media attention and
political memorabilia collectors.
"The Ron Paul Dollar is certainly different," said Jeff Kotchounian, a
collector in Michigan. "For me, it's a great way to popularize Ron Paul and
get him elected!"
Von NotHaus, the fiery "freemarketeer" behind the Ron Paul Dollar, observes,
"It will be interesting to see if enough people are fed up with politics,
the Bush regime, and the war to take Congressman Paul seriously. Certainly
the Ron Paul Dollar is as unique as the Candidate and the election itself.
Do the majority of Americans really want to change Washington? Time will
Von NotHaus stresses urgency as the political parties have moved up the
primary elections, squeezing campaigning time to only eight more months. If
people want to change things, they must make a donation to Ron's campaign,
get a Ron Paul Dollar and support him right now.
All this will be a big surprise to Dr. Paul. As Liberty Dollar's legal
counsel pointed out, if Ron Paul's campaign was informed before the launch
date, the Federal Election Commission could require profits in excess of
$2,300 (the maximum individual donation allowed) to be distributed to the
Republican Party! So the Ron Paul Dollar was created as an "independent
contribution" and is distributed through the grassroots Volunteer Network.
As von NotHaus explains, "Even though I know and respect Ron Paul for his
free market philosophy, I did not take his campaign seriously until our
mutual friend G. Edward Griffin mentioned his support. It got me thinking
about how I could support Ron's campaign, then Nic Leobold suggested a Ron
Paul Dollar and the project took off."
IMPORTANT: If you don't do anything else, please link your site to
HYPERLINK "http://www.ronpauldollar.com/"www.RonPaulDollar.com to enhance
the site's rating with Google. Thanks!
The Ron Paul Dollar is not only the most valuable and daring secret weapon
against the big lies of big money and their big party politics. It is an
honest campaign tool that can put an honest man in the White House.... for a
It is time to return our country to the values that made it great. It is
time for Constitutionalism! Please take action. Join the revolution. Tell
your friends about the Truth. Tell them about the Ron Paul Dollar... And
Vote for Truth... Vote for Ron Paul.
On this very special national holiday – declare your Independence from the
politically controlled government! Call somebody, anybody, about Ron Paul.
Make a donation. Get a Ron Paul Dollar. Demand your local
newspaper/television cover the Ron Paul Revolution. We can free America,
again. Happy Independence Day 2007!
"http://www.libertydollar.org/ld/ronpauldollar/index.htm#products"HERE for
description, specifications and rate schedule on the $1 Copper, $20 Silver,
and $1000 Ron Paul Dollars.
"http://www.libertydollar.org/ronpauldollar/rpr_schedule.pdf"HERE for Rate
Schedule for gold, silver and copper Ron Paul Dollars.
imlmbjg0ua3025"HERE to order Ron Paul Dollars.
Please call: 888.LIB.DOLLAR or 888.421.6181 for more info or to order Ron
Paul Dollars by phone using your bankcard.
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