[FL4RonPaul] we took 12% with no name recognition! (fwd)
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2007 00:34:28 EDT
From: leespatch@aol.com
Reply-To: FL4RonPaul@yahoogroups.com
To: FL4RonPaul@yahoogroups.com
Cc: ronpaul-61@meetup.com, jazzman1@cfl.rr.com, papillon2@earthlink.net,
RLCFL@yahoogroups.com, RLC-CFLA@yahoogroups.com, LPPCFL@yahoogroups.com,
Tagum2004@aol.com, LBLANKE1@columbus.rr.com
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] we took 12% with no name recognition!
No one knows who Ron Paul is yet!
This IS the Revolution you have been waiting for. Down with the Rino's!
Fred Thompson is the Favorite in Republican Straw Poll
(http://www.californiarepublicanassembly.com/news.htm?news_id=8&start=0&category_id=&parent_id=&arcyear=&arcmonth) =
California Republican Assembly conducts vote during annual convention
Former Senator Fred Thompson took first place in a Presidential Preference
straw poll conducted by the California Republican Assembly at its annual
convention this weekend.
Thompson received 25% percent of the convention delegatesâ™ votes, easily
beating the two runners up, Congressman Duncan Hunter and Governor Mitt Romney
who each received 19% of the vote.
Complete straw poll results follow:
Fred Thompson (25%)
Duncan Hunter (19%)
Mitt Romney (19%)
Ron Paul (12%)
Tom Tancredo (8%)
Newt Gingrich (7%)
Rudy Guiliani (7%)
Sam Brownbeck (3%)
Mike Huckabee (0%)
Tommy Thompson (0%)
CRA, the stateâ™s oldest and largest Republican volunteer organization,
conducted the straw poll as part of a weekend convention that featured appearances
by Presidential candidates Duncan Hunter and Congressman Ron Paul.
To Your Success!
R. B. Lee
who is Ron Paul? _www.ronpaul2008.com_ (http://www.ronpaul2008.com/)
_www.LeesPatch.com_ (http://www.leespatch.com/)
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