Liberty and Accessibility

Monday, July 16, 2007

[FL4RonPaul] Ron Paul is US Military's #1 Choice (fwd)

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Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 16:06:55 -0400
From: Liz Morton <>
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] Ron Paul is US Military's #1 Choice

Posted July 16th, 2007 by khurt
Yes you heard me right. Now that all Q2 financial reports from both sides are publicized we can see who is getting money from where.

It has been no surprise that the contributions from the US Navy, US Army, US Air Force, and US Veterans tends to favor the Republican Party but what might be a little surprising is that Congressman Ron Paul leads the pack overall with more contributions than even Senator John McCain. Here are the numbers (in dollars) as compiled by eaglescout over at


RON PAUL: 23,465 [6,975] [6,765] [4,650] [5,075]
McCain: 15,825 [6925] [6305] [1795] [800]
Romney: 3,551 [2,051] [0] [1500] [0]
Rudy: 2,320 [1,450] [370] [250] [250]
Hunter: 1000 [0] [1000] [0]
Richardson: 800 [50] [750] [0]
Huckabee: 750 [250] [0] [500]
Tancredo: 350 [350] [0] [0]
Brownback: 71 [71] [0] [0]
Thompson: 0 [0] [0] [0]

Units are contributions in dollars by employees of the respective military organizations (all numbers can be found via the FEC Website ).

I would have jumped to the conclusion that our soldiers are ticked off that they have to be fighting an unecessary war against an invisible enemy in 120+ degree weather BUT that would certainly not explain why many veterans would be supporting Ron Paul. This sentiment probably stems from Congressman (and US Air Force veteran) Paul's honesty, as well as his ability to both use and communicate solid reasoning. Soldiers must not like how they are being used for the whims of corrupt politicians and I'm sure would like to get back to the days when they were used in the honorable role of protecting freedom... something Dr. No has consistently done from his seat in Congress and would undoubtedly do from his seat in the Oval Office.

(Please let me know if there are any major errors in data or facts)


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