Liberty and Accessibility

Monday, July 16, 2007

[FL4RonPaul] CALL IOWA for the Ron Paul Campaign Committee (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 16:40:49 -0000
From: Anson <>
Subject: [FL4RonPaul] CALL IOWA for the Ron Paul Campaign Committee

>From an email from Joe Seehusen, the Iowa State Coordinator for the
Ron Paul 2008 campaign:

Dear friend,

Exciting news from Iowa! Many of you across the country have been
asking how you can help in Iowa, and we're ready to take you up on it
in a big way. We are officially launching our Call Iowa program today.
We are asking for volunteers from Iowa and across the country to call
Iowans and spread the word about the Straw Poll. We are excited about
this opportunity to have Ron Paul supporters converse on a one-to-one
basis with Iowans likely to be interested in attending the Straw Poll.

We are aware that some volunteers have begun calling people and trying
to spread the word. While we appreciate everyone's initiative and
support, the Call Iowa program is a great chance to volunteer with the
official campaign and really be a part of the action! Many of you have
already expressed interest in a program like this and we are grateful
and excited for your help.

We invite you to contact us if you are interested in volunteering to
call Iowans. You are also welcome to contact us on behalf of your
group, if you have several local volunteers who are interested in
working together on this. If you are interested in volunteering to
call Iowans here's what to do:

Send an e-mail to providing us with the
following information:

Your Name (ex. John Smith)

Your e-mail address (ex.

Your location (ex. Cedar Rapids, IA)

How many people you are responding for (ex. 12). Please enter "1" if
you are volunteering alone on this.

Approximately how many calls you think you and your group can
reasonably handle in about one week's time. (ex. 150)

Once we get your response we will send you an e-mail with a list of
people to call and a guide for calling. We will give you sample
scripts if you feel you need them, plus a guideline of appropriate
conduct and tone, and information that should be included in every
call. We promise that this program is simple and user friendly for
even the least computer-inclined. We are anticipating a large response
to this, so you may not get a list from us immediately, but we will
work hard to get to everyone as fast as possible. Everyone who wants
to volunteer will absolutely have the chance to. There are
approximately 1,500,000 registered voters in Iowa, so there are plenty
of calls to be made!

Please note that this e-mail address is for our Call Iowa program
ONLY. Because of the large response anticipated to this program we
will only be able to respond to e-mails that provide only the above
requested information or relevant questions. We are very excited to be
able to get everyone involved on a national scale to help get out the
vote in Iowa. We welcome everyone's help, even if you can only make a
handful of phone calls. We are looking forward to hearing from everyone!

Joe Seehusen

Iowa State Coordinator

Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee

P.S. – Don't forget to go to and RSVP for the Straw
Poll if you haven't done so already!


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